35~ "We'd be riding the awkward train."

Start from the beginning

"Of course not, beta," his mother said while suppressing a smile as if the thought of her own son being gay entertained her. Does being kissed by a guy count?

"Here we go again," His Dad rolled his eyes and true to his words, Vansh and his mother started their back and forth argument on a topic that never existed. Mr Baweja seeming bored out of his wits, looked out of the window then took a handful of Lays that Siddharth was having. Siddharth being a child at heart raised his voice and stole the chips back. At that instant, I noticed-- There were atleast three separate conversations going on inside this car, all in different volumes while Lisa and me were merely spectators. It almost seemed like a classroom.

"Apologies, girls. These people can get quite talkative sometimes," Pragya's mother spoke as if it happened everyday.

"Correction, all the freaking time, Mom. All the time," Pragya added and they shared a smile. Pragya's mother seemed a bit older with a few wrinkles on her face but other than that, you could easily tell that she was her mother with her looks and manner of speaking. It was entertaining to watch the senior forms of my friends and compare which quirks matched their parents.

"Don't you feel kinda out of place here," Lisa whispered, next to me. "Don't get me wrong. They are nice people but I can't even begin to understand their language. It sounds like half Hindi and half-... I don't know."

I patted her shoulder, expressing my sympathies. "That's because they are speaking Punjabi. Don't worry Liz, you are not the only one. Even I don't understand their language completely. I get a feeling that we'd be riding the awkward train for a while now."

Since the number of people were more, they decided to book two rooms in the hotel. Their children will also be lodging at the hotel at night, because, well, its a hotel, duh!

The adults excused themselves for a much needed sleep after the jet lag. They would drop by the dorm later except not Siddharth. He insisted on staying with his brother and Dhruv. How sweet of him? Wish I had a brother like him.

° ° °

Clearly I had underestimated Siddharth because what followed next was astonishing.

The moment we settled inside Vansh's and Dhruv's room, Siddharth hopped onto the bed before anyone else, threw the quilt on the floor, and lied down with his head propped up against his palm like he ruled the world. "Go bring a glass of water for me. Now."

The more shocking thing was Vansh actually giving him a glass of water without so much of a verbal attack. My mouth fell open. What happened to the Vansh I knew?

"Vansh bhaiya, Vansh bhaiya~" he whined like a five year old while shaking Vansh's shoulders. "Don't you have anything to eat."

Vansh frowned. "We ate lunch like fifteen minutes ago, Sid."

"Eh, that's Indian heavy sized lunch. My stomach is not satisfied with that traditional shit. Im'ma talking about our 21st century style lunch. Lets order-" he trailed off, thinking something when his gaze fell on me and Lisa who were observing him from a distance. His eyes lit up for some reason. He raised his hand and waved towards us. "Come sit here," he patted the bed and winked at us, "I won't bite, I promise."

Lisa and I shared an amused look amongst ourselves before settling down on the bed.

"Just wait," he held his hand up. He crawled towards his bag kept on the bedside table and opened the zip to dig out something. It was a small transparent box that contained Ferrero rocher chocolates. "A little souvenir for two beautiful girls. I was excited to meet you two so I thought-- Better make a first, best impresssion."

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