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"I want him dead, you hear me Nathaniel.. bring him here, dead!" Queen Katherine said in a menacing voice making Nathaniel flinch. Tears rolling down her pale cheeks yet she stood dominantly next to her throne.

"Yes your majesty" He bows down respectfully.

"Where is he staying?" The Queen asks one of the witches standing beside Nathaniel.

Nathaniel could see the queen's knuckles turning white whenever she fisted her hands tightly. Of course Nathaniel knew why she was angry, that bastard killed her beloved husband, the king. And she wants whatever it takes to find him and suffer the death he put her husband in.

Nathaniel was there when that man stabbed his sword into his kings chest. By the time he flew towards the man, he vanished into thin air. The only thing left was the man's black Feather. Nathaniel still keeps some guilt in his heart for not protecting his king on time. He blames himself for what had happened. Nathaniel couldn't see who it was, all he could see was that he had large black wings and a dark cloak. It was one of Nathaniel's kind. A Rapton.

"Well, your majesty.." The witches shrill voice echo the room making Nathaniel flinch again. She examined the black Feather, tracing it with the tips of her fingers. She gave a little sniff and chuckled.

"What's the matter?" The Queen asks.

"Your majesty, I think this young lad is in another planet in another Galaxy. I'm not sure but I think the planet is called Earth." She sniffs the Feather again and furrows her eyebrows. "Thats strange"

"Now what!?" The Queens asks again sounding quite impatient. Nathaniel stays put, quietly paying attention to what the witch is saying.

"I can't seem to find his proper location." She says, "this is quite rare, your majesty.." She chuckles. "I'm afraid I don't know how to find him, all I know is that he is in Earth."

"With that little information, I ought to be dead and be with my beloved." The Queen cries.

Nathaniel's face softens. "My Queen, don't worry, I will find the man and kill him.. Even if it takes me years! I will find him. I promise you.."

"Well there is one person who can help you, I suppose" the witches shrill voice interupts him.

She snaps her finger twice and a glass ball appears in thin air. Smoke starts fill in the glass ball and then a picture of a young woman appears in it. "This young lady is the daughter of a powerful wizard, Thomas Brown." She smiles. "She lives in Earth too. I'm sure she can guide you to her father, in order to find that evil man.."

"I've heard of that wizard before." The Queen says thinking, "ah yes, he helped my King to defeat his enemies. He was a kind man."

"Why don't you just find his location.?" He asks..

The witch shakes her before sighing. "Thomas had blocked us from our world, keeping all type of connections with him banish."

Nathaniel was curious. If he was from this world, why did he leave?

"I don't understand, why did he leave in the first place.?"

"Long ago, Thomas wanted to make a potion to cure a disease that was spreading in our land. And the ingredients was from Earth. He left there in search for it, little did he know he'd find love too. The man had fallen in love with a beautiful woman. The only problem was she was human."

"but it still doesn't explain, why he left." Nathaniel asks confused.

"The king was not happy with this"

"She is right, my King never liked humans. Always thought they were cruel creatures that made a fool of us" the Queen says softly. The witch agreed.

"Of course, that never stopped. He left this world banished all sorts of connections he had with him and this world and never came back."
Nathaniel nodded his in understanding.

"How come we found her location then? If he destroyed all of them, How did we find his daughter..?"

"I don't know dear child, her connection was found long ago.. But we still can't find her father" the witch says.

Nathaniel looks at the Queen. She had a handkerchief in her hand, wiping her tears off. "don't worry worry my queen I'll find him.."

She walks up to him, holds his hand and squeezes it. "Please Nathaniel kill him so I can finish this burden that my husbands killer is out there somewhere and I couldn't do anything.."

" I will.." He bows his head down. She let's go of his hand turns away.

"Young man, keep this in mind, she is half human." Nathaniel nods. "Here," She hands him a stone. "If you need help just rub it and I'll send the help you need. " the witch says. "Good luck.."

He nods shortly.. The witch casts a spell on him to send him to the exact location where the young woman was.

Gusts of wind came fast.Nathaniel uses his big wings as shield to cover himself. With that he too vanished into thin air.


This is so weird.
I have to study.. And this came out of nowhere.. I'm awful. Anyway please vote and comment.. -happygoose.

** please note: this is a rough draft.. 😅

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