Chapter 27: Captain Britain

Start from the beginning

"First." Someone calls and steps out of the room. I nod and walk past him to see Charlie chained to the bed. To think I have seen this sight...too many times before. I would enter with a sly smile on my face and the girl would smile back at me, not moved by the fact that they were practically chained. Bile rises in my throat as I see Charlie lying there looking so lifeless.

"You have five minutes." The guard calls and shuts the curtain. I look around the room in a panic. Charlie is still not awake. Quickly I dive for a hanger and rip it into two. I take the sharp side and run over to Charlie, sawing at her handcuff. Her eyes flutter but I keep trying to break the metal, fully aware of the little time I have.

"Harry." She looks up at me scared. I give her a dimpled smile and keep doing what I am doing. She doesn't question me, instead she urges me to go faster because she knows. She just knows.

One handcuff flies across the room and Charlie bites her lip. I begin at the other one and go faster this time.

"Harry, you came." She sobs and I nod.

"I am so sorry." She continues. Really Charlie? Now?

"Charlie." I hush her and she looks up at me.

"I need you to moan." I whisper and her eyes widen.

"If we don't make noises, they'll come in to check what is up. I have seen it happen. Moan, now." I say harshly, not intentionally. She doesn't hesitate and lets out a breathless moan, stiffening my whole body at the sound of it.

"Scream my name." I groan, partly acting and partly desperately wanting her to scream my name. Fuck.  She laughs and covers her mouth. I am panting just at the back and forth movement of this hanger thing, trying desperately to get the handcuff off.

"Almost." She whispers down to me, looking at the handcuff.

Charlie's POV

"Off!" Harry says, but the curtain swings open.  Harry turns to me quickly, pushing me off the bed.

"Run! Run out the side door and into to town! Do not stop!" he yells as a guard pulls him off the bed and lands a deck right into his eye.

I stay frozen at the other side of the room. Harry keeps yelling to run but I can't move. Suddenly, the guard drops Harry to the floor, his nose bleeding and stomps over to me. It is a living-breathing hulk in front of me.

"Come here, sweetheart." He puts his hand out. Quickly I pick up half of the hanger on the ground and stab it through his hand. I watch it penetrate through his skin as the blood streams out and Harry pulls him back, now standing again. He throws him on the wall and looks at me.

I begin to run, swinging the door open. Harry runs behind me because his boots make the familiar clatter sound. Harry never once looks at me as we run to his car.

"Drive." I scream as he reverses out of his spot on the sidewalk and speeds past the alleyway. I am breathing so hard that I can't even speak.

"Are you okay?"

I nod and close my eyes.

"For a second I thought I lost you." He whispers and I observe his facial expression: dense along with a bloody nose.

"No." I say but only because I am unaware how to respond to it.

"If I hadn't made it in time..." Harry begins but I just shake my head.

"I know." I mumble into my hands. The rest of the ride, I cry.

I don't complain when we show up at Harry's loft instead of him dropping me off at campus. Harry opens the door for me and I step out, my legs shaking.

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