Serious time (and important announcement)

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I decided to look further to see what exactly the figure was. I opened the window and crawled out. The figure didn't notice me and headed towards a modern house. I might as well leave it alone...

But then the figure noticed my actions, and decided to take me to a magical journey outside of Wattpad. (How much is it to pay for the damage of the fourth wall? WHAT?! A SMALL LOAN OF A MILLION DOLLARS?!?! Fine... Let's just continue without 4th wall breaks...)

In all seriousness, the figure ran past the house and into some type of shed. It came back out with a huge CHAINSAW! HUGE CHAINSAW!

I decided to RUN!

I ended up at MTT Hotel, where thankfully, Mettaton was there.

Mettaton POV
I saw (Y/N) rush in the MTT Hotel with bruises, cuts, and more! I ran up to her and hugged her. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, (Y/N)?!"

~after explination~

I comforted her and purred:
"This will never happen again."

Okay, enough with Yandere girl shtuff... you guys are gonna get some dirty actions (insert lenny face)


(DISCONTINUED) My Darling~ Mettaton X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now