A new start.

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It was 3 years after that day. I was only 14 and he was 16. I swear, I do not want to be with guy anymore.

The bells ringing for the first period today. It was chemistry and I do not even like it. Actually, I do not like the teacher, Mrs. Hyorin.
It was totally boring and I can not even understand what she is teaching but I decided to still focus and trying to understand. Honestly, it was a boring start of my day.

My tablemates suddenly hands me a piece of paper. I looked at her with question face?
I opened the paper and it writes " Do you want to join us for a movie after school? " I'm not suprised with this kind of paper but I suprised it is not both of us. I mean, me & Wendy but it is " us ".

" Who us? " I asked and she replied " Seulgi, Joy and Sungjae " I sighing silently. It is not because I do not like them. But I hate seeing couple in front of me. It is traumatic. For your information, Joy ans Sungjae are the couple

Suddenly, someone knocked the front class door. Every eyes in the class waiting for who was knocking our class door. Ah, it was our class teacher, Mrs. Sandara.

" Sorry for disturbing Mrs. Hyorin but I have something important news for them " Mrs Sandara winks at us. She already knew that we always boring in Chemistry class so she decided to disturb Mrs. Hyorin class.

" Actually, you guys having a new friend! " Mrs. Sandara said excitedly while clapping her hands. Suddenly the atmosphere in our class became noisy.

" I wish it is a girl " Hyungsik, the most funniest guy in the class said loudly. Mrs. Sandara laughing and so does everyone.

" But, you're wrong Hyungsik, it's a boy! " Mrs, Sandara excitedly tells us. I became uninterested. Wendy looks so excited so does every girls in our class. They screamed and started to touch up their make up and their hair too. But I, Irene. I have promise to myself that I won't open my heart again. I open my bag and searching for my spectacle. Honestly, I can see. But, wearing spectacle make me feels comfortable and I believe guy will never fell for me if i stayed with this nerdy style.

Suddenly, a guy come into my class with bag pack and wearing a spectacle too! I can tell he is so tall and kinda er.. kinda good looking.

" Oh my dear Lord! How good looking he is " Wendy said to me but I just take it easy. She always fall for guys and I can not even understand it.

" Hello guys, My name is Park Bogum but you can call me Bogum. I from Anyang but we need to move here, Seoul " while waving at all of us.
My girl classmates screaming hysterically and started to adore him.

" Go and take your sit, Bogum. Please make friends. And Irene " suddenly Mrs. Sandara called out my name. I really shocked and looking at her with so much question.

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