Chapter 1: So Not My day

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I scream in surprise.


Ouch. That hurt, it hurt real bad. I groan as I get up from the ground.

Yes, I fell off my bed. How? My 5 year old brother just used his stadium horn on me to wake me up. Again.

This is like the second time he has used this trick on me this week, and he gets me every time. It's so loud, it must even be waking up the Martians from their power naps if they take any. I wonder where he gets so much air in his small lungs to blow such a loud horn.

"Parker! Not again. Must you do this to me? Next time you use your stadium horn on me, I will hand you to the Boogie Man and make him take you to the Dark Boogie Land." I threaten him while making up some weird names.

In response to my threat my brother just giggles like he doesn't believe me.

I really need to work on my threats for a 5 year old. My little brother doesn't take my deadly threats seriously. Why? How?

"Wakey Wakey Mack, you'll be late for school." He sings before leaving my room with his stadium horn in his hands.

Remind me to burn down that horn and let it enter the Highway to Hell when Parker isn't looking.

I turn to see the time.


Flip! I am supposed to report to Coach Sheldon in 30 minutes for soccer practice, and he doesn't like late comers. He hates them. I have half an hour to get ready and reach school and save myself from getting yelled at by Coach. If I get late then I might just get off his good kids list and get into the naughty bad ones and trust me when I say this, It ain't pretty there.

If I get late then it would become a bigger deal, seeing that I'm North Ridge High's soccer team co-captain, and I'm supposed to act responsible and guide my other team members to be inspired by me, Yaddah... Yaddah...

I start panicking realising that it could be my last day to live today if I don't make it on time. Metaphorically speaking of course. I hope.

Alright, get it together Mackenzie, you can do this, get there in 30 minutes and save yourself from all the torturous lectures, and next time remember to thank Parker and his stupid stadium horn for waking you up, cause if it wasn't for them you wouldn't even get 30 minutes at your disposal. My Inner voice tells me.

As if sense knocks into me, I rush to the washroom with my uniform in my hands and quickly get ready in less than 10 minutes or so. Talented I know.

I quickly hurry down with my bag on my shoulders and grab an apple.

"Slow down grasshopper. What's the rush? No breakfast today?" My father asks me before I dash off and leave.

"I'm supposed to reach school in 15 minutes before Coach rips my head off, as much as I really want to sit and chat but I can't." I reply.

"Not even if I tell you that I've made you your favourite chocolate pancakes." He tells me with a grin on his face.

Dad's chocolate pancakes, they are the best in all the land. Nobody can resist them. EVER.

"Well I guess 5 minutes won't really hurt. But be quick Papa Bear, come on Chop Chop. There's less time and too many pancakes for you to make and feed your favourite daughter with." He passes me a plate.

"You're my only daughter." He points out.

"Well your favourite child."

"Sure Sure" He chuckles.

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