Chapter thirteen: The element of surprise.

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Yo, this may not be as good as other chapters and that's because i'm having a hard time (as always).
This is one of the last chapters, so, i hope you guys enjoy the end of this story.
There will be a second book, though.
Just wait ;).


After that one special night, hours went by and so did days, weeks and months, like a never ending rush of happiness full of beautiful feelings. Each day was an adventure, each day was better than the last one.
Miles would always make sure i felt okay, he's the most caring, kind man that has ever stepped in earth, everyday he'd say he loves me, everyday he'd kiss me in a new way.

Everything was perfect.

But, I've said it before, happiness isn't a long lasting feeling. Happiness is a rush of energy colliding with either love or passion for what you're doing at the moment. My rush of energy collided with love. My heart collided with Miles', and it all seemed to be alright.

Until that one doomed day.

February 21, 6:00 AM.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

That fucking alarm clock that won't shut up even if i throw it to a wall.
Another day, not the same routine as always.
Since i started dating Miles, everyday was different and every morning was filled with some kind of positive energy flowing around me as bubbles, bubbles of happiness and expectation for whatever the day had planned for me.

Instead of waking up late and running to school, i'd get up at 6 and make sure i'd looked good for school, having a smile stuck in my face the whole time. A morning full of kindness and smiling to people while i'm walking on the street, even making breakfast for my whole family.

Everything was perfect.

As soon as i arrived to school, i ran to the teacher's room, looking for Miles, who should be there as every morning.
And there he was, sitting on one of the couches and reading a book about whatever; drinking his coffe, as always. Just being himself.
"Good morning, Mi." I said.
He raised his head and his eyes met mine while i was still standing by the door.
"Good morning baby! You can come in if you want to."
I ran to the couch where he was sitting, jumping into it, next to him.
"What are you going to do today after school, laa?" He asked, putting away his book and taking off his glasses.
"Nothing really. I don't have plans. You got something in your mind?"
"Well, wanna go out with me for some ice cream?"
"Sounds great." I giggled.
"See you in class then. I love you baby." He kissed me softly and patted my head.
"I gotta go now, i love you too babe. See you then!"

I quickly rushed out of the room, walking to my class and meeting Matt halfway there.
"What's up asshole?"
"Nothing much, Matt. You?"
"I like Nick." He said, with a serious face and his eyes looking to the sea of people that was walking.
"Are you serious?!" I screamed.
"Shut up! And yes. And he likes me back."
"You told him?!"
"Of course. Mama didn't raise no pussy."

We both laughed, and walked into class.
12:32 PM.

Finally, Miles' class.
Where i could just stare at him all that i could and he wouldn't complain. He had to be quiet.
Class was about to finish, everyone was either reading or just talking with one of their friends, and me, well; i just stared at Miles.
Some loud steps were heard from outside the room, and i heard a voice ask someone about a "teacher", the answering voice, who seemed to be the principal, replied to the question with a confused tone in his voice.

Suddenly, the whole classroom squinted at the knocks on the door, while Miles walked to it, kindly opening it and greeting two guys in black suits, both of them had some weird simbols carved in plates, positioned on their chest. They seemed to be police officers.
Behind them there was two guys in the typical police suit, both of them seemed to be very strong and tough.

"Good afternoon, sir. I'm here for Miles Kane. Do you know him or is it you?"
"Uhm, it's me. I'm Miles." He said, with a confused tone in his voice and shaky hands.
"Mister Miles Kane, you must come with us."
"Can i know the reason before i go with you guys?"
"Sir, you're arrested and charged for corruption of a minor-" the officer said, turning Miles around and putting handcuffs on Miles' wrists, "If you don't want more problems, you should come with us."

"Don't fucking touch him!-"I yelled from the back of the classroom. "It's all my fault, don't take him. If you take him then you must take me as well."
"Are you looking for trouble, young man? Or you just want to be the hero for the class?" The officer said, laughing at me.
"Don't touch him." I replied, tears formed in my eyes and my hands were shaky, Miles muttered "Please, stay there. Stay safe." but i just couldn't let them take him away from me, so i attacked the officer, giving them a reason to take me as well.

"Faggots." I heard a cop whisper, i turned around to face him and spat on his face. Matt gasped from the back of the classroom, Nick was sobbing and Jamie just tried to figure out what to do.
"This is bullshit!" Matt yelled, walking to the cops, "Bitch, you must take me as well if you don't want your face shoved up your ass."
And the cops took him as well.

It was Miles, Matt and me in handcuffs, walking to a car in the parking lot that seemed to be the officer's car.
"I fucking knew this would happen." Miles said, his head down, i took a moment to admire his messy hair, hoping and praying that this wasn't the last time i'd see him.

"I love you." I said.
"I love you too." He replied.

And they shoved us in the car, closing the doors and letting only one office and one of the cops go with us.
"It's going to be a long ride, guys." The officer said.
"I know, you idiot, i've been arrested before." Matt exclaimed, anger showed in his face.

"Promise we'll get through this, Mi?" I turned to face my boyfriend.
"I promise, laa."

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