Chapter seven: Pretty visitors.

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In the next chapter and in a second part i will be playing a liiiittle bit with Alex's backstory, but still including some heated shit. Stay tuned x
Also this is kind of a filler so yeah it's shitty byeeeeee

Monday, october 1st.

Another week has painfully started with me crawling out of my bed still covered in my bedsheets.

As always, the same routine. Waking up, bathroom, brushing teeth and picking what i'm going to wear for school today.
But this morning has a weird atmosphere.
Something keeps coming back to my mind, just a thought. Just a reminder, but not like the usual ones; "It's october." I say to myself.


A lot of mixed feelings invade my mind and i just can't get rid of the idea of the past coming back, as if i lowkey wanted to live it all again.
But no.
I wish i could erase it all from my mind, like you do when you make a mistake while writing, as if it was that easy. All the violence that has been thrown at me as if i was the spot and it was all the arrows.

I wish i could forget him.

But my mind still thinks about those nights of pure pain, crying, sobbing. Asking him to stop even if i knew he wouldn't do it; He wouldn't listen.
It's all still in the back of my mind.
Waking up every morning and finding new bruises on my body, feeling disgusting, being called "fat" by the man i "loved". But he didn't love me back.

I go to the kitchen, hug my mum and grab an apple to eat on the road. It's going to be a long day.


"Did you hear the news, Alex?" Matt asked with a worried face.
"No. What's up?"
"He's back in town."

And suddenly it all makes sense, this is why i've been having nightmares for weeks straight, this is why i wake up at three in the morning all sweaty and crying. This is why i can't forget all those violent episodes of my life.

'Cause he's back.
He's always here.

"You know i won't let him touch you, i will never let him to that ever again. You'll be okay, Allie. I swear to god if the fucker tries to get to you back again i will murder him."
Matt exclaimed, his eyes just sparkled from the tears he was holding inside, just as me.
"I just, ugh. Let's just hope for the best, yeah?"
"It's going to be alright."

"Hey, you dorks!" Jamie yelled at us from the back of the classroom, sitting with a sleeping Nick by his side.
"What's up you tomato cheeks." Matt said.
"What's cook-in, Jamie?" I laughed at his "you-didn't-say-that" face.
"I swear if you make that joke again i will end you, Alex."
Matt pocked at his arm softly, "It's not the day, Jamie."
"What happened?" Jamie asked.
"Nothing. We just have some visitors from the past." I said.
"That asshole again?"


May 6th.

"Alex, angel, you need to eat something or they won't let you get out of this hospital." Nick. Nick. Nick. The pretty, angelic boy who was taking care of me, and who has been here with me since i woke up, refused to go home and literally was about to fist-fight a doctor 'cause he told him to "Go out".

"I don't want to. I don't want food. I don't want to get out of this. I just want to die." I buried my face into my hands, holding back tears.
"Please. Just... Just do it for me. I want you to get the fuck out of this place so we can watch movies and have quality time. I've missed you so much."

I've missed you so much.

4 days of me not being awake or conscious and my friends never leaving this place made me aware of how much this three guys love me.
I grabbed the spoon and filled it with the strange looking soup, then ate it.
"Ew, this tastes so bad Nick."
"I... I know. I'm sorry buddy. I've ate the food they've brought to you 'cause i wouldn't go out to buy something to eat. I'm sorry."
His eyes started to get tear-filled and my heart just broke.
"Hey, hey it's alright. I was asleep, how would i eat it anyways?" I smiled at him, a tear rolled down his left cheek.
"Oh, that reminds me of that thing i read about Egypt. They used to suck out the brains of the dead people by their nostrils." He listened so interested in the bullshit i was talking; "Like, with a straw? Uh i forgot. Man, that sounds pretty sick! Imagine someone making you eat this soup with a straw through your nostril."
We both bursted in laughter and he stopped the tears coming out of his eyes.
"I actually made something for you, well my mom made them and brought them here." He took his backpack and started searching for something, "Here they are!" He smiled so wide, his smile could warm the coldest of hearts.


We both ate them, watched some t.v. and we both fell asleep.


"Laa, wake up."
I heard a manly voice whispering to me and playing with my hair.
"You fell asleep in class, everybody is gone already. I told Matt i'll take you home."
"Miles!" I smiled and hugged him.
"You're so pretty while you're sleeping, baby."
"I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, sweetie. But it's time to leave. C'mon, i can take you home."
I packed my notebook and stood up from my seat, walking to his desk and sitting on it while he packed his own things.
"How was your weekend, love?" He asked.
"Uh, it was good i guess."
"You don't seem very convinced." He insisted.
"It's alright, don't worry."

Moments later we were walking out the school to the parking lot, he was searching for his keys while i was calling my mom.

"No mom, i'm not doing anything wrong."
"I got cocaine on me!" Miles yelled.
"No you don't!" I said.
"Yes mom i will do the dishes when i get home, it's the business. I love you, bye." I finished the call and shoved my phone into the bag in my jeans.
"What a good boy you are, huh?"
"Shut up!" I blushed as he laughed at me.
He opened the door to his car for me and closed it when i got it, then he jumped into the driver's seat.
"C'mere, you dork, kiss me."
And we kissed heatedly.

"See you tomorrow, babe. Don't forget to do your homework. I love you."
"I love you too, Mi." I replied.

I am so in love.

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