Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 ~ Refusing

It was the end if the day and everyone was heading back to their sleeping caves. Scorch walked to his being followed by Falcon and Nightshade. He couldn't get Ripple's statement out of his head. For a shy and timid dragon, Scorch had to admit he was pretty wise and was slightly impressed by it.

"Are you okay?"

Scorch snapped out of his thoughts and looked over to Falcon. He stopped walking being followed by both Nightshade and Falcon. "What?"

Falcon let out a small chuckle and Nightshade gave out an amusing small smile, very small.

"I asked if your okay." Repeated Falcon. "Oh, uh, yes... I'm fine..." Scorch answered although in his mine he was questioning himself. "You sure, you haven't made one of your sarcastic or smart statements ever since you left the Prey Center."

"Not to mention that you haven't insulted or threaten either of us." Nightshade reminded. Scorch looked off to the side, realizing it was true. He's just been, quiet.

"I don't know. It'll probably be over by sunrise though." He said continuing walking. Falcon let out a concern look "Are you sure, cause you can te-"

"I said I'm fine!!" Scorch snapped.

"There's the Scorch we all know and love!!" Falcon teased causing Scorch to roll his eyes. "I'm not sure about love." Nightshade said.

Scorch just let out an irritated sigh and kept walking. "But seriously, if something or someone is bothering you. You can tell us, we have your back."

And with those words, Scorch was teared away from the present and into his past;

Scorch and Eucalyptus were just a few years old, Scorch being 3 while Eucal was 4.

Eucalyptus smiled down upon Scorch, who returned it. He then hissed at the touch the wet cloth against his fresh scratch.

Eucalyptus cleaned off the sand and blood from the scratch on his arm. She then grabbed the bandages and wrapped it around it. "Your a tough guy Scorch!! It wasn't that bad right?"

Scorch nodded and laughed a bit, smiling at his sister. Eucalyptus smiled soon turned into a concern frown. "Scorch..." Scorch looked up from his bandage seeing Eucalyptus was now serious.

"I-if something or someone is bothering you. You can tell me, I have your back." She said. "I don't think scratch marks just show up on you randomly."

Scorch looked down to his talons "I was just being stupid and ran too close to a cactus, that's all." He said, part of it was true though. Eucalyptus didn't believed him, but didn't say anything either. "Alright, but no more being stupid. Although you are very clumsy." Eucal teased. "Hey!!" Scorch yelled causing Eucalyptus to laugh. "Come on, mom and dad will be expecting us!!"

"Why couldn't you have stayed..." Scorch said under his breath. Although with Falcon and Nightshade close by, they heard.

They were curious, concern, but remained quiet. Scorch was brought back to the present, he looked up from his talons seeing their sleeping cave nearby. Without a word, he went in.

Falcon and Nightshade came in after him. They both exchanged glances to one another, but Scorch remained quiet. Still rummaging through his thoughts, debating if it was best for him to open up, or not. He wasn't sure if he is ready to lose anyone yet though.

After awhile, he decided. He looked over at Falcon and Nightshade, he took in a breath, closing his eyes a bit. Then opened them, his talons reaching over to his mask.

His talons were just inches away from his mask, but they stopped. Scorch forced his talons to fall, then he glared at Falcon and Nightshade.

No... They don't need me, and I don't need them...

He laid back down, setting his head upon his talons.

I don't need their pity. And I'll never will, no matter how many offers they give, I'll refuse.

Wings Of Fire ~ A Scorching StartWhere stories live. Discover now