Letter Ten

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Dear Niall,

Ever since I broke up with you it's been so hard for me to not think about you every moment of the day.

Every time someone even says the colour green I feel like crying because I miss you so much.

When we were at Second Cup and I left I wasn't ready to talk to you. I thought I was, but I wasn't.

I haven't moved on Niall, and I won't ever move on because you are perfect.
You are the perfect person anyone could have and I don't want anyone to have you except for me.

The reason why I broke up with you is because Kendall somehow convinced me that you were cheating on me.

But then I saw your face and I knew you never really did. I was just to scared to take you back, I didn't want to face the rejection.

By the way in letter three I didn't need to read the paragraph with the answers to your questions.

The two movies we watched before I fell asleep were Monsters Inc. and The Incredibles. The pizza place that I took you to for our first date was Mario's Pizza Palace. Also another great memory from that date was when I was about to kiss you but Greg made it his mission to interrupt anything that could happen between you and I.

And of course I still have he painting you gave me. It is hanging above my bed.

Niall, I remember everything that happened when we were dating. Every single detail.

But you see the reason why I was ignoring you got the last few months of our relationship was because as I told you before Kendall convinced me that you were cheating. She even photo shopped photos!

That is one crazy lady.

So since you only had nine things you wanted to do with me before we broke up, I thought I would tell you something I wanted to do with you before we broke up.

I wanted kids Niall.

I wanted two little girls.

We would have been the perfect family. Like you said in the first letter, we would have been goals.

By the way Niall you weren't stupid for thinking I was going to ever propose to you.

To be honest I was going to propose to you a few weeks after Kendall told me that you were cheating. But like usual she ruined those plans.

One last thing.

Can you please meet me at the boardwalk on Sunday. I'm ready to see you and speak with you.

And maybe just maybe I will be able to convince you to give me another chance.

I love you with all my heart Niall.

All the love, Harry xoxo

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