Letter Four

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Dear Harry,

I really wanted to release floating lanterns. I'm not sure why but I just did. I still do, don't get me wrong.

But you probably don't want to with me, it's totally understandable though.

Anyways I had the night planned out. It would be just after dinner, around 7:00 and we would take a stroll down the boardwalk. There was a small shack selling lanterns near us so I figured we would have rented a boat and buy some lanterns.

You would lean in and kiss me and whisper in my ear telling me you love me.

Then we would have put the candles in the lanterns and release them. It would've been perfect.

You know I was going to surprise you by doing that on the night you broke up with me.

Wow that took a depressing turn didn't it!

You know I'm trying to make things more happy but I don't really think it it.

Anygay, I'm going to end my letter here because I have a date soon! Yay!

Yours truly, Niall

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