1: Proposal

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Jack's POV

My eyes naturally opened to the sunrise, as they did every morning, reminding me that I needed to be awake because I had things to do. I laid in bed for a moment, deciding whether or not I actually wanted to move, and then I pulled myself into a sitting position with a sigh. I took a quick glance at the crown resting on my nightstand and debated wearing it; it was usually such a nuisance to deal with throughout the day. I put it on anyway, getting out of bed and changing into clothes that were more suitable for public appearance. I was the prince after all.

I walked out of my room, making my way down the hallway and finding myself passing several maids who waved at me and giggled as I walked by. The last thing I wanted to be around was a couple of girls who ogled over me, and so I gave them a reluctant smile and quickly moved away. This happened more often than I'd like, and so I learned to get away from the situation as quick as I could. As a result, I made my way into the main corridor of the castle I lived in, where the throne sat and where my father spent most of his day planning and organizing the different ways that he took care of our kingdom. King Jordan, as it were, and I found him there now speaking in hushed tones to a messenger that I had watch him send out merely a few days ago. He was a taller, larger man with a shorter beard that he never bothered to grow, and the robes of royalty draped over his shoulders. He wore a large grin, and he beamed even wider when he focused his gaze on me, beckoning me over. Curious now, I swiftly made my way to him.

"Oh, Jack, this is great news. You'll want to hear this," my father said, turning from the messenger after he dismissed him. His eyes were bright, and I had hope that this was indeed good news, but I was sorely mistaken. "Our opposing kingdom that we've long since been at war with across the way has accepted my proposal, and through your hand in marriage with the princess over there, Signe, our two Kingdoms will come to a peaceful alliance and truce." I felt my heart drop in my chest. Surely he was joking, but he leaned back and laughed a relieved and tired laugh; I could feel his exhaustion from where I stood. He glanced at me, and my unamused expression, and sighed with eyes closed before leaning forward and looking at me. "You could stand to be a little more excited, Jack." I felt shock jolt through me; I wasn't ready to go through with this. Nor did I want to for that matter, and I felt a wave of disgust take over my being.

"No... no." I said, first a little overwhelmed and unsure but deciding that I truly was not okay with this. There was so much to getting married, things that I wasn't willing to take responsibility for yet, and I returned my father's surprised stare. "Absolutely not, I'm not getting married. I refuse. I'm sorry, but I can't. I won't." My words came in chopped sentences, but it got my point across to my father, who stared at me as though I had grown rabbit ears from the top of my head. I glared, then sighed and turned away from him.

"Jack, get back here! We need to discuss this!" I heard him call, but I ignored him. I couldn't deal with this right now, I didn't want to. Instead, I walked outside the large red doors to the courtyard where a set of steps led down into the town, and looked over it from its higher elevation. To my right was the stables, and beyond that was the soldier's quarters. They were gone now, out and training off to my left in the fields designed for their battalion orientation. I paused to look over the village, looking to my left to see the shiny armor of the higher ranked soldiers rivaling the shine from the sweat of the soldiers who were drilling, and then I turned away.

I wandered over to my right, my pace brisk and thoughts traveling even faster. The last thing that I wanted to do was get tied down and stuck in marriage. I wasn't ready to lead my kingdom yet, no matter how old I was or the proper age that I was supposed to marry. I didn't want to take my father's place, not yet for sure, there was still too much left that I wanted to do. I was stressed about this, and I sighed as I weighed my options. There wasn't any place in the kingdom that I could go to hide from my father, and so I decided that I wouldn't hide at all, but rather I'd go visit the villagers. I may not have been the most willing prince towards my father, but I grew up knowing most of the townspeople, and I enjoyed seeing them.

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