The Epilogue (real)

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Kendall's POV

I was at my office signing up the paper work for Gucci's takeover.

Claudia: Ma'am, Mrs. Cara is here.. should I-

Kendall: I have already told you Claudia-

Cara: Who does she think she is!?

Cara said bursting in my office. Oh God! I stood up from my chair and walked towards her.

Kendall: She is new Cara.. she is scared.

Cara: Why did Janice had to go!?

Kendall: Because Charlie is having a baby!? Please calm down. Come here.

I pulled her by her waist and she let herself come in my arms.

Cara: She knows I am your wife..

Kendall: I know baby.. She got scared... You are an intimidating woman..

Cara: Really!?

Cara asked me smiling and I smirked leaning in and kissing her. The all too familiar feeling filled my body. The butterflies in stomach and the heart racing still give me chills. I smiled in the kiss and she pulled away.

Cara: Why are you smiling!?

Kendall: Just realised how beautiful you truly are. I feel lucky..

I cheekily said and she kissed my nose.

Cara: You should. It's your birthday in 2 hours.... Can we leave now?

I looked back at the paperwork. Naah.. Rob will do it. I nodded and she released me so I could collect my stuff.

Kendall: I should change?

I asked gesturing my business attire. She shook her head and asked me to hurry up. She has planned something for my birthday and hasn't given me a single clue. I even tried to ask Mark but he said he didn't know anything. Liar!

We left my office building and I saw the Carrera GT waiting for us. I walked to the passenger door to open the door for Cara.

Cara: No, I am driving.

She said opening the driving side door. I opened the passenger door and slid in.

Kendall: Now can you tell me what it is?

She sighed and started driving.

Cara: I'll give you a hint... only if you tell me the date of our marriage.

Oh shit... oh shit.. it was somewhere in February ... or was it March? We had a beach wedding in Bahamas.. we went to Greece for our Honeymoon.. but when was the date? I am in deep trouble!

Stupid brain! Always has had problems with dates... I can't remember a single date! I can never remember any date, birthdates, anniversary date.. anything associated with dates just automatically slips off my mind.

Kendall: Never mind.. I don't need the hint. I'll wait.

I said scared. She will definitely burst now. Which person forgets the date of their marriage on the first year itself? I glanced at her and she had a disapproving look on her face.

Kendall: I am sorry.

I apologised feeling ashamed. Our wedding date is not just any date.. it's one of the most memorable days of my life. I remember each and everything that happened that day. Cara walking down the aisle in a white Valentino. My mouth hanging open when I saw her. Our eyes locking. My thoughts were cut with Cara's voice.

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