Vio Link - Lost Book

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It was another day walking through the woods. You weren't paying attention to where you were walking, so you tripped over something. "Ow..." You said as you sat up and looked to see what you tripped over. It was a book that was a bit tattered and worn, but still in good condition. You picked it up. You couldn't read, but for you it was still fun to look and the words in the book. Suddenly, some one ran up to you. You looked over to them. It was a boy wearing purple. Wait- maybe it was... Ah, never mind. He looked at you and then the book. He was tired and panting. He caught his breath.

"I... I think you have my book." He said. "Oh! Here you go..." You said as you handed the book to the purple cutie. Wait- What? Cutie? You've never though that a boy was cute ever in your life before. He held his hand out to help you up, which you took. "My name is Vio." He said while smiling. "I'm _____." You said while blushing a bit. Dang, what's wrong with you? 'I feel... weird...' You thought. Vio was about to say something else, but someone pulled him back. There was three more boys, and they all looked the same as Vio! Well, their outfits were all different colors. They all had a sword.


That's it! One of them pulled the Four Sword. The next thing you knew, the green and blue one were arguing and the one in red was trying to break up the fight. You walked over to Vio and whispered in his ear, "Does this happen often?" "Every single day..." You started giggling. The other three boys looked at you. They looked at you and then Vio. Vio took a breath and introduced you to his 'brothers' and them to you. Green was about to say something, and loud roar cut him off. A large dragon came crashing through the woods, clearly angry. "RUN!" Red shouted.

~Time Skip~

The five of you had finally gotten away from the dragon. You leaned up against a tree, everything was getting blurry. Everything slowly turned black. You heard Vio shouting, but you couldn't make out the words. When you woke up, Vio was carrying you on his back. You groaned and that got the four boys attention. "Are you okay?" Green asked. You nodded "What happened?" "You passed out on us" Blue said. "Hey, Vio?" You said. He looked back at you to show that he was listening. "I think I can walk now." He nodded and kneeled down. With some help from Red, you stood up. Vio was in front of you, ready to catch you if you feel. Good thing he was there. Because you did fall and he caught you.

~Time Skip~

It was nighttime and everyone was a asleep. Well, you weren't. You couldn't sleep. In your head, you were trying to sort out the feeling that you had for Vio. 'Yeah, I like him more than a friend...' You thought. You hear rustling. You sat up, it was Vio. He was reading his book by the fire. You still couldn't walk, so you crawled over to him. You wanted to scare him, but he knew you were there. "Why aren't you asleep, _____?" He asked. "I could ask you the same thing." You responded as you sat next to him. He closed his book and set it down. The wind blew your hair into your face. You heard Vio take a deep breath.

Vio brushed the hair out of your face. He looked nervous. He closed his eyes a leaned in and you did the same. Your lips made contact for a few seconds. When you pulled back, Vio wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. "I love you, _____." Vio said. "I love you too, Vio." You said. Then, you heard small laughter. You and Vio looked to see Red, Green and Blue laughing. Vio gave them a death glare. They slowly backed away, not wanting to provoke the angry Vio.

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