Blue Link - Pranks

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It was another morning in Hyrule. Despite the fact you were a girl, you managed to become a Hyrule Knight. And that meant that you got to hang out with Green, Red , Vio and Blue. You and Blue became friends right from the start, but usually got caught and yelled at for goofing off and pulling pranks on the other knights. You two wouldn't get caught if the other knights could just take a joke, but apparently not. You both teased each other. You actually had a major crush on Blue, but you kept it hidden. However, the last few day between you and Blue had been different. You two were in a heated prank war with each other, and both of you wanted to win for the bragging rights. The score was the most important part. As long as one surprised the other, it was a prank.



YOU: 5

Dang, he was one point ahead of you. But not for long, you had currently finished planning out your next prank. And you were getting Red to help. In the cellar of the castle, there was a storage room. And that's where the prank will take place. "Ready, Red?" You asked. "Yup!" He said with a laugh. You may have bribed Red with some sweets, but it was worth it. Green and Vio were in on this too, they wanted to lower Blue's ego, so that Blue would be the only one to come and help Red. You hid behind a stack of empty crates. You gave Red the single and he started to fake cry, to make it seem like he had fallen down the steps.

"Red?" Blue said from the top of the stairs. He began to walk down the steps. "Dang Red, why are you down here? It's as dark as-WOAH!" Success! You managed to push the crates down onto Blue, taking him by surprise. One point for you! Red ran up the stairs on off to who knows where. "Well, well... What do we have here?" You said as walked in front of Blue, who was under a bunch of crates. Hey, at least they're empty! "Very funny, _____. Now get me out." He said angrily. You smiled and started walking up the steps, leaving Blue behind under crates. Green was waiting for you up at the top of the steps. "You get him?" He asked. "Of course!" You said as you continued walking.



YOU: 6


It was night time, but you weren't going to sleep. Last night Blue somehow picked the lock on your door and poured a bucket of ice water on your head. But, you had a plan if he came back in tonight. You looked at the clock, 11:30. You heard someone trying to open your door. You perched yourself on the window. There was a small ledge around the castle that you could use to stand on. But it was a risk, you could fall more than twenty feet to the ground but, you took it anyways. You heard the door open. You heard the intruder pull the covers off your bed. "What the-? Where are you?" Yup, that was Blue alright. You peeked through the window, he was looking under your bed.

Then, the ledge you were standing on broke off. You managed to hang onto another part of the ledge, but only with one hand. "Blue!" You cried out. You did NOT want to fall and die. "_____?" Blue said as he went out to your balcony. He looked around and then spotted you. "_____!" He shouted as he reached his hand out to help. You got a grip on Blue's hand and he pulled you up. You were clinging to Blue and shaking, terrified at the though of falling to your death. The look on Blue's face softened, he sighed. "I think we've taken this a bit too far. Let's... Let's just call it a tie." He said while stroking your hair, trying to calm you down. He walked you over to your bed, where you both sat down.

Blue had decided to call it quits, but you weren't going to. You got up and opened a drawer in your in table. Blue probably confused but, he didn't move. You had an assortment of colored paints and a brush. You quickly tackled Blue to the ground and got some paint on his face. You two wrestled and the brush rolled under the bed. You crawled over to the bed to get the brush but, Blue pulled pulled you back. He had dipped his hand into the paint and smeared it on your face. You laughed and did the same to Blue. It was a full on paint war.

When you both ran out of paint, it was all over the two of you. In hair and on the face. It was even on the carpet and walls! You tried to wipe some off your face, but you just ended up putting more on. Blue laughed. Hmm, there was still some paint that was wet on your hands. You pressed your hands onto Blue's face. He fell down but, he took you with him. You two began to wrestle again, you both ran out of energy in a matter of minutes. You got off of him a flopped onto the floor next to him. Both of you were laughing. You stuck you tongue out at him and he did the same.

Blue closed his eyes a said something. It was in to much of a whisper for you to hear. "What was that?" You asked. Though he had paint covering most of his face, you could tell he was blushing a bit. He quickly turned over on his side so he wasn't facing you. You crawled over to him and poked his side, which he sat up and covered his sides to avoid being tickled. He hated it when you tickled him. "What did you say?" You said poking his nose. He was going to crack sooner or later. He pushed you away and ran out of your room. You got up and went after him.

You caught up to him and tackled him but, he bucked you off and you hit your head on the wall. You curled up into a ball. Ow, that really hurt. You tried not to cry from the pain, biting your tongue. A sob or two came out with some tears. "_____?" Blue said sounding concerned. He crawled over to you and sat down in front of you. "_____, are you okay?" You gave him a thumbs up, though you really weren't okay. He tilted you head up so he could look at your face. Tear stains were on your cheeks, washing off some of the paint.

He pulled you into a hug, gently stroking your hair. He kissed your forehead. The pain was slowly subsiding. You still wanted to know what he said back in your room. But, it could wait. It felt nice to be held by the boy you like. You snuggled into his warmth. "Your pretty determined," Blue said, "I guess I can tell you what I said earlier. Y-you just can't tell anyone..." You nodded, agreeing to his condition. He took a deep breath and lent down towards your ear. "Even with all that paint on your face, you're still cute." He whispered. You looked over to him, he was blushing through the paint.

"I love you, _____." He said as he went to kiss you, but you stopped him by putting your hand on his face. "Don't get me wrong, Blue. I love you too, but I don't want to get paint in my mouth... And you kinda smell..." You said as you kissed him on the cheek. He smirked, one way or another, he was going to get the kiss that he wanted. He put his hands on both sides of your face to keep you from moving. He leaned and kiss you on lip. Eh, the paint really didn't have a taste, so it was okay. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his arms snaked around your waist, deepening the kiss.

You two pulled apart, smiling. You yawned. "How late is it?" Blue asked, clearly not tired. You stood up and walked to your room, Blue following. You plopped down on the bed and Blue layed next to you and pulled you close to him. You snuggled into him. You drifted into sleep and so did he.

There was knocking on the door. It was morning, you squirmed out of Blue's grip and went to answer it. It was Blue(All of the Links)'s dad. And he was NOT happy. He looked at your face and then over to Blue who was still asleep. "I'm guessing that it was you and Blue that made the mess in the hall." He said. Mess? You looked down the hall, there was blue paint to the walls and on the red carpet. "I expect it to be cleaned by noon." He said before walking away. You sighed and went to wake Blue up. Today would be a very long day. And knowing that Vio stays up late reading, he probably heard everything. You just hope he won't tell anybody.

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