imam ahmed ibn hanbal

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(may Allah have mercy on him).

his stand on truth was so strong, he never gave up even if he was tortured so badly. 

Abul-Fadl Saalih said:

"He (Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal) was released and allowed home and was taken to the cellar. Then one who specialised in wounds and their treatment was brought in, and he said, 'I have seen men who have received a thousand lashes, but I have never seen a case as bad as this...' and he would ocme to treat him.

Imaam Ahmad's face had been struck more than once, and he remained flat upon his face for as long as Allaah willed.

Then the man said to him, 'There is some flesh here which I must cut,' so he brought an Iron tool and would hold the flesh with it and cut it with a knife, and Imaam Ahmad bore all of this, only raising his voice with the praise of Allaah, and he was cured.

However, he continued to feel pain in some places, and the marks of the lashing were clearly visible on his back until he died."

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