Chapter Two

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Farah was late. It was highly unusual for her to do so, but lately something had been troubling her mind. She had tossed and turned in her sleep, evil thoughts and dreams weaving their way into her important slumber, she hadn’t had a nightmare for over a year now. Something was different, something scary, something more frightening than before.

“You’re late,” Hector said sternly to her. She hung her head and apologised profusely, Hector had to hold down the fort until she got here, which was an hour later than it should have been.

“We have seven people in here, these two tables need to be served, this one needs to be cleared up,” Hector stated as he pointed out each table to Farah. She nodded her head and began her tasks. There was an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach, one that had appeared recently and didn’t seem to go away. She kept looking at her phone, distracting herself from her work, expecting to get a horrific phone call of some sort. She didn’t know who it would be from, or what it would be about but she knew it was something horrible. She didn’t notice Hector glance over to her, or the concern on his face when he saw she was distracted. There was something unsettling happening in that cafe.

Hector saw his brother walking quickly through the premises, he went to catch him before he left.

“Georgias,” he called out, George responded and quickly went towards him.

“I need to ask you a question?’

“You already have, but fire away little brother.”

“I think I might like Farah, but I’m not sure. How can I, um, be sure?” At this Georgias laughed at his poor, and stumbling little brother.

“It is simple Hector, once you know you know.”

“But, wouldn’t it seem irresponsible to like her and not know a thing about her?”

“You are being pragmatic again, if that is your issue the simplest way to solve it would be to get to know her better. I thought you knew her quite well considering how much time you two spend with each other.”

“Yes, but I really don’t. I don’t know anything about her family, or anything about her outside work…”

“Then learn you silly boy, learn.”

“I plan to invite her over tonight then, maybe she will talk. I don’t want to force her though.”

“I know, you’re a good kid Hector, but if you want an answer you must be patient.” Georgias replied, at that point wasn’t looking at Hector, but Hector did not notice.

“ must be patient,” Hannah looked at her husband as if he was speaking to her. He was discussing something with Hector but the way he looked at her when he said those words made her blood boil. They had wanted this for a while now and it saddened her they weren’t nearly close enough to getting it. Seeing the stress on his wife’s face George went to comfort her, but she could not be.

“Your mother called again,” she said, George nodded.

“Did she ask?”



“I told her it really wasn’t any of her business.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologised.

“Don’t be…”

“But I am…”

“So don’t be. It’s not your fault.”

“I am half of her, I owe that woman a lot.”

“I know, but it’s still not your fault. Maybe we were too pre-emptive in telling her our plans.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2013 ⏰

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