-Running Into You-

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Maya's POV

I'm running through a forest and have no clue as to where I am. I suddenly see Riley, and start trying to run to her. I can't though. I look down, and see that I'm stuck. From my knees down, I'm buried in the ground. I look back up at Riley and see this creature approach her. It has the face of a man, body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion. I think it's a manticore. These things have poisonous spines that can be shot out of its tail. It slowly starts approaching her, as if it's a lioness waiting to pounce on her prey. I notice that Riley's chained to ground and is unable to move. I keep struggling to get out and help, but it's no use. The creature raises its tail, ready to send a few spines flying. She starts struggling even more and starts frantically shouting my name. I keep trying to get out, but I sink even lower. Then, the manticore shoots them at her and I hear her scream in pain. My little innocent Riles that wouldn't hurt anyone! She keeps screaming and the thing leaps at her. It has its claws extended. As soon as it's about to reach her, the scene changes. I see Farkle, but he's trapped in a cage. He looks at me with fury in his eyes, "This is all your fault." He snaps his attention back to the creatures holding him captive. One appears out of the darkness, and I see a long, brown snout. It has pointy ears, a slippery body like a seal, and stubby little legs. Telekhines. He walks over to Farkle's cage and opens it, "Alright, you know the drill." As Farkle walks in the light, I see tears in the shirt he's wearing. His back is all bloody and cut. I try to reach out, but I can only watch. They take him to a platform with several thrones in front, like a judge. "We will ask you one more time, where is the he?"
     "I've told you! I
       know." Just then, I see him get whipped, and hear him cry out in agony. I have to stop this! I try to move and do something, but I can't. Stop! I want to yell, but my voice won't work. They keep on whipping him and whipping him over and over again. They chained his wrists to a post so he can't move. He keeps yelling and crying out, but they keep hitting and beating him to a bloody pulp. I can't cover my ears, my eyes, rush to his aid, anything. He looks at me one more time, "I hate you."

I scream and fall out of bed. I find that I'm covered in sweat, and Chad rushes next to me. "Are you ok Maya?"
     "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just a really really scary nightmare. It felt so real!"
     "I forgot this is your first time. We all get those. Do you wanna talk about it?"
     "No, no. I'm just going to try and go back to sleep." I crawl back into bed and I'm shaking. My dreams have never felt so real.
     "Ok, goodnight Maya. Just remember, it was only a dream."
     "Goodnight Chad. Thanks for checking on me."


     I could barely sleep after the dreams I had, so I got up and put on some clothes that I got provided with. I put my hair into a ponytail, and am wearing a black shirt with Lucas' hoodie on top, athletic shorts, and tennis shoes. I grab my hair tie and bobby pin and head out. I go to the beach and start jogging, it's what I do to clear my head. I try to shake off those nightmares I had.
I don't understand, why were those creatures looking for someone? What could Farkle have known about him? As I'm trying to answer my questions, I bump into someone. "Oof!" I hear as I fall onto something hard. I hear laughing and I recognize it, "Lucas?"
"Sup Hart."
"What're you doing up this early?"
"I could ask the same to you."
"I asked you first."
"That's fair. I always go jogging in the morning to see the sunrise. Your turn."
"Trying to clear my mind."
     "Oh." I look into his eyes, and see them sparkle as he smiles. I realize I'm still hovering over him, and I awkwardly laugh. I move so I'm laying next to him, and he seems a bit disappointed. But as quickly as that look came, it disappeared. We lay in a comfortable silence, watching the sun rise over the water.
     "Wow." It's so breathtaking! I just admire it, and feel a bit of energy enter my body. Eventually, it gets a little too bright, so I have to look away.
     "Now you know why I like to watch the sunrises," Lucas smiles. "I see you're still wearing my hoodie." He looks over at me and I blush.
     "I thought it'd be kinda cold in the morning, so I put it on. Plus, it's pretty comfy."
     "Are you still cold?"
     "A little bit."
     "Here." He pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around me. "Better?"
     I snuggle into him, "Yeah. Thank you." He puts his head on mine, and I just feel so at peace right now.
     "You really do have a beautiful singing voice."
     "You were just humming."
     "Oh, sorry." And I stop.
     "Why? I love hearing you sing. Don't ever apologize for it." I look up at him and smile, "Thanks."
     "Have you ever seen what it looks like underwater?" he asks me.
     "Come on then." He gets up and pulls me up. We stand right in front of the water. "Hold my hand." He sticks his hand out.
     "Do you trust me?" I nod and take his hand. "Don't let go." We start walking into the water, but I see that the water just moves around us. We keep walking in deeper, and next thing I know, there's an air bubble around us. I look at Lucas and he smiles at me. I look around me and see beautiful fish swimming around, gorgeous plants I didn't even know grew here. Suddenly, I see something move outside the bubble, and I get nervous. Then it pokes it's head in, and I see it's a dolphin. I laugh and start to pet the little guy. Lucas does the same and laughs. I see him twirl his free hand in a motion and see something form. "For you." He hands me an ice rose.
"It's so pretty! How'd you do that?"
"Percy taught me."
"How long does it last."
"Forever really. Just don't chuck it at the ground," he laughs.
"This has been really fun."
     "I'm glad you thought so." I give him a hug and we stay like that for a while. I close my eyes and wish we could stay like this forever. We let go and decide to head back to the shore and see lots of campers gathered there already. Some girls are glaring at me again, but I shake it off. We walk out of the water and they part a way for us to walk. I hear some whispering and just smile. "Peaches! How'd you do that?" Riley asks as she comes running up to me.
     "I didn't, Lucas did. Isn't it pretty?" I hand it to Riley, and look back at Lucas. I see him blush and look at his shoes. Aww!!! I realize we're still holding hands, and I awkwardly let go. I see Farkle too, and remember the nightmares that I had. I take off sprinting and give them huge hugs. "I'm so happy to see you guys! You have no idea!"
     "Peaches," Riley wheezes.
     "We can't..... breathe...." Farkle gasps.
     "Sorry!" I immediately let them go and they catch their breath. I look back at Lucas, "You wanna go get some breakfast?"
     "I could eat." I look at Riley and we smile. I jump on Lucas' back and she jumps on Farkle's. I look at Percy, "Call it."
     He shakes his head and laughs. "Alright, on your mark... get set..." Lucas and I take off. "I never said go! Oh, Farkle, go!" And they take off. We're totally gonna win.

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