Chapter 1

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Italics is Italian
Normal is Japanese
Bold is auther note
Fuoco's POV
". What do you mean we are going to Japan!" I yelled at the social worker standing in fromt of me. He stared at me stoicly "Your father has no living reletives even remotly qualified to have children, so we are sending you to Japan with your mother's older brother." I opened my mouth about to yell some more, but I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked at my twin and we had a silent conversation 'Calm down we will be fine' 'But we have to move countries! The only people we know in Japan are the type of people we would have to avoid at all costs!' He have me a look that said 'just let him explain!' I looked back a the social worked, Dylan I think, who looked fasinated by us. I pulle Angelo closer to me protectivly. Even though I was only 6 minutes older than him, I had always been really over protective. I would take the beatings ment for him, my father usually being to drunk to notice that he was beating the wrong twin. "When do we leave?" I asked in a cold voice. He twisted his fingers a bit, and mumbled something. "I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that?" I was baiting him and he knew it, but he repeated himself anyway, "1 hour from now" I gave him my death con 4 glare and he shrank stepping back. I stocked into our old house, going to pack my bags. I heard Angelo say something to Dylan then run after me. I walked to the room me and Angelo shared, grabbed the only duffel bag I owned, and packed. Angelo came in, "We are staying with the Haninozukas(spelling??), some rich martial arts Japanese family. Apparently moms brother is the head of the family." I nodded, brushing my white bangs out of my face. "Hey, you alright" Angelo pulled me away from the bag and into a hug. I let my head just drop onto his shoulder. Our mother died when we were young, and out father was less of a father and more of an owner, so we were all each other had. Me and Angelo had a closer relationship than most twins, acting as each other was as easy as breathing. Our natural voices were different but we had learned to pitch our voices as each other's. Angelo, or Angel as I called him, wrapped his arms around my waist, "We will be fine, so stop panicking. We are free ok? Father is gone." I nodded, letting go. He went over to his side and started packing---------------time skip to Japan-------------------
We stepped off the plane and looked around. All the signs were in Japanese, but we had no trouble reading them. Our father was the worst man on the planet, but we had learned alot from him, We could both speak 5 languages and could fight amazingly with any weapon. Those skills had been drilled into us with merciless tourture if we got anything wrong. We saw a man in a suit standing there holding a sign that said "Fuoco and Angelo Oscurità." We walked over in perfect sync I nodded at the man and he silently led is outside to a limo. He was about to open the door, but I waved him off opening the door for Angelo, then climbing in after him. The choffer got in the front and started driving, still not saying a word. I was bored so I pulled my sketch book from my bag and started sketching the driver. That's something I like to do when I am bored. Angel had his head resting on my shoulder asleep, obviously exhausted from jet lag. We drove while I drew and Angel slept for another 30 minutes before pulling to a stop. I looked out the window to find the Haninozukas and Morinozukas standing there waiting. Over the plane ride I had reasearched the two family's so I knew who they all were. I woke Angel and climbed out before the driver could open the door, obviously frustrating him. The familys just stared at us as we stood there. Both of us were kind of intimidating. When we were still with our mafia boss of a father we played all roles, from body guard to diplomat, so we knew how to look menacing. We both had completely strait faces, somewhat defencive stances, and our fists clenched. Our uncle stepted forward, "Welcome boys! I am your uncle Hiroshi(made that up)! Your mother was my sister." We both got our looks completely from our father, so we didn't resemble him AT ALL. I said back, "Hello. I am Fuoco, and this is Angelo." He smiled and started to imtroduce everyone. "This is my son Mistcuni, and his brother . This is my wife Akio. This over here is our friends the Morinozukas. The head of the family is Arata and his wife Asuka and there son Takashi." Me and Angelo simply nodded as our greeting. Hiroshi gestured for us to follow him and we did. "You will want seperate rooms I assume?" I shook my head, when we were seperate we would be plagued with horibble nightmares of our father. "We would rather share please." He looked surprised but nodded none the less. He took us up the stairs and gestured to the 3rd door on the left. I was instinkualy memorising the layout of the house and barely notived when he left telling us that dinner was in ten minutes. The closet was huge, and when we fininshed unpacking there was still an infinte amout of space. I looked at Angel "We will have to go shopping soon." He nodded in agreement and we went downstairs. Dinner was an akward affair with me and Angel never speaking a word, ignoring our uncles attemt to get us to talk. After dinner we went upstairs and took seperate showers. I put on my usual sleeping atire, sweatpants and a tank top, and climbed into bed. Soon after Angel got in to. I turned and wrapped my arms around him. He nestled his head in my neck and we fell asleep like that. With the only people we had ever had.

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