Chapter 4

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It was the quietest dinner ever. Never in the 16 years I've lived with my family, has it been so quiet. Dad finally decided to break the ice."So, does anyone have any plans for tomorrow?"

"I'm probably just gonna hang out with my friends at the mall or something.", I say still thinking about my dumb move with Kayla.

"Justin, what's wrong?", mom says seeming to read my thoughts.

"Nothing mom."

"Oh, ok."

I could tell by her tone that she didn't believe me. "I'm full.", I say getting up from the table and going to my room. I change my clothes and climb into bed to wait. Hours later, I get up and peek outside the door, my mom and dad both fell asleep while watching a movie. 'Perfect.', I think to myself as I sneak out of my room. I'm stopped by a whisper from behind me, "Where are you going?" I freeze and turn to see my sister.

"Jessica, go back to bed.", I say angrily and quietly so I don't wake up my parents.

"Let me go to the party, or I'll wake mom and dad."

I sigh,"Fine, just keep quiet."


We sneak out of the house and start walking to the party. When we arrive, a lion greats us.

"Justin! Jessica! Glad you could make it!", Brock, the host of the party, says as we enter.

"Good to see you too, Brock", Jessica says. I could clearly see her face going red. 'Oh boy.', I think as I see that,'My bunny sister likes a weird.' We walk inside the house and our jaws almost drop at the sight. Almost half of the animals in the school were there, all dancing, or talking, or snacking on food. We look around till we both spot our friends. "Meet up later?", I say.

"Meet up later.", she says.

We both nod and walk off to our friends, unaware of the trouble we might get in with our parents.

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