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It had been a year since I saw her, and it became part of my schedule to go to that same spot.

Everyday, at five in the evening, I'd go into the woods. Walking through the trees and bushes, I knew exactly where I was going. It became a habit to brush my hands across the bark of the trees as I went.

And finally I stop, I stay behind a tree and I see her. She's always sitting in the same spot, same angle too. A different book in her hands each week, and the same look on her face. I didn't like the look on her face though, I wondered how'd she'd look if she actually smiled or grinned.

I even contemplated the idea of going to greet her, which I never carried out. Instead I stood there, watching, asking myself all these questions. I wanted to know her.

But I didn't want to confront her.

The thought of that seemed scary to me, like I felt I'd die of some nervous breakdown.

And when I went to school, I would always be so excited to come home just so I could see her. I don't know why though, it's just she seemed interesting I guess.

She seemed so interesting yet I couldn't know anything about her. I couldn't talk to her, because I'd probably run away before she could say "hi."

I just knew that she always sat here, at five in the evening, and read a book much too advanced for normal kids. She would have a different book every week, with this same sad look on her face.

And I would just stand there, wondering why someone would cause such a look form on her face.

I've been coming here for a year, and it feels like I've been here for barely a day or so.

It felt like all that was important, was going into the woods just to see her. Even if she didn't notice me, or if we didn't speak.

Sometimes I would make up crazy ideas like, if she was actually a ghost. Or some fairy, some magical being of some kind. I mean she was really pretty, who wouldn't think she was some angel?

Of course I knew she was human, but who doesn't like to fantasize a little bit?

And finally, when it was time for dinner, I would step away quietly and run back home brushing my fingers across the bark of the trees like always.

When I was done with dinner, I would quickly do my homework and be off to bed.

I never slept immediately though, I would always have her running through my mind. I would be thinking about going to visit her the next day.

I was weird like that, but me being a stalker never crossed my mind.

I thought of it as observing, maybe kind of obsessed, but I still find her intriguing in a way that I want to befriend her.

Maybe one day I can find out what her name is.

It probably sounds as beautiful as she looks.

Under The Willow Tree (GirlxGirl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن