Chapter 36: The Sin of Corruption

Start from the beginning

The Magistrate remained still. Her advances caused him to become stiff, closed off. He did not know what to do with himself. He was trying to corrupt the name of Quincy by revealing Abigail Quincy's infidelity. Now the opportunity was presenting itself for him to do the same, and Bertha was interested to know where this would take her.

"Perhaps you are a man," she said, reaching down to unlace her dress. "But you could always prove it to me, Magistrate. Show me how much of a man you really are."

She saw the conflict in his eyes, and knew that she was under his skin.

"You hold the knife," she whispered, leaning forward. "Now do something with something else."

The Magistrate did not move, but when Bertha let her dress slide off her shoulders, he silently lowered his knife.


Belmoran Island

Despite the lateness in the hour, Lucy and Eliza managed to find the time to sneak out of Roseway and charter a carriage down to the ports. Lucy was determined to see Eliza and John happy together, and it was clear that the thought of them never getting to see each other again was hurting Eliza. That reminded Lucy of when she used to worry about never seeing Ross again, and she never wished that feeling on anyone.

The journey to the ports was a silent one. It was a calm relief when they arrived at the tavern that John was staying in. But, the moment the both of them were helped out of the carriage, they ran into the last person Eliza wanted to see.

"Leila?" Lucy frowned when she saw the young woman approaching them in a rush. "What are you doing here?"

Lucy saw Eliza stiffen and visibly back away when Leila drew closer. "Tell her to leave."

Leila ignored her. "Lucy, what was the name of the man that proposed to you in Lanfore?"

"Leave!" Eliza snapped, pushing forward to stand between Leila and Lucy. "You've done enough damage, Leila, go away!"

If Eliza's words bothered Leila, she didn't show it. "Lucy, this is important, what was his name?"

"James Boatwright," Lucy said. "Why?"

"Who cares why?" Eliza seethed. "Go away, Leila. Go to my brother if it makes you happy, I don't care. Just go!"

Leila frowned at Eliza. "What are you talking about? Why would I go to Samuel?"

Lucy wanted to press Leila on her question, but Eliza was too furious to let her get a word in edgewise.

"He said that he was going to court you, despite how I felt about it," Eliza said, eyes flaring. "Clearly you've decided it best to spread your family's shame into mine. And Samuel is so infatuated with you that he refuses to see logic."

"Eliza, don't be silly!" Leila snapped. "I'm not trying to do anything to your family. Please, just..." She turned back to Lucy. "I have to tell you something."

"What?" Lucy asked while Eliza scoffed with a disgusted tone.

"James Boatwright is here," Leila said. "He's on the island, I saw him down at the ports."

Silence followed that revelation. Lucy and Eliza exchanged shocked looks. Lucy knew it was far too ridiculous a thought to even entertain. How would James know that she was here, let alone that she left Lanfore with Ross?

"Of course you're lying," Eliza said, echoing Lucy's thoughts.

"I am not!" Leila sounded offended. "I swear to you, I saw him!"

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