Second Phase X Cooking X Killing

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~ Mai's POV ~

     Hey, wake up. It's your turn, now get up. Hurry up and get your donkey up, so you can fill that "happy" meter again. Wake up!

"Wha..." I groaned, starting to open my eyes.

     I laid on my back and looked around trying to figure out where I was, but all I saw were trees. Oh yeah, the tricky swamp, the Hunter Exam. As I got up, I stretched my arms and legs, loudly yawning since I knew no one (alive) was nearby.

"Hm, that kid must have escaped," I say absorbing my surroundings, "But, where's..."

     My wondering stopped when I saw the man pinned onto the tree and immediately pictured how it all happened. The sounds were dreadful, and you can only imagine so much with those types of screaming.

"Looks like she went easy on him," I say examining the man. "At least, he's in one piece."

     The sound of two pairs of footsteps broke my thoughts; they seemed to be a bit far. I quickly dashed to those steps and hoped they were heading to the second phase. When I was near the two applicants, I hid in the bushes and spotted who they were: Gon and Kurapika!  I was overjoyed to see them, and of course, my "happy" meter started beeping, but I didn't care. Since the meter is empty, it'll take awhile before it fills up again; therefore, I can enjoy some fun for now. Speaking of fun, should I act like a damsel in distress or scare the crap out of them? Ding! Ding! Scaring takes the win. I readied myself as I dropped a large branch in front of them, making sure they were aware that someone was nearby. Kurapika had his hand near his weapon ready to attack while Gon gripped onto his fishing rod.

"Do you think it's Hisoka?"Gon whispered to Kurapika.

Hisoka!? I'm not a crazy psychotic murderer! Or am I...?

     When they both stood back to back I knew they were in a cold sweat, which was my cue to jump in for the kill... I mean surprise. I leaped forward and landed right next to them.

"Boo!" I yelled, and Kurapika's quick instinct made him swing his Bokkens at me, but I was able to stop them with a thick branch I found. "Nice swing."

"Mai?!" He cried in shock, staring at me while his wooden weapon still clashed against my branch.

"The one and only." I replied, pulling my "weapon" away then slapped his bokkens out of his hands.

"What are you doing here, Mai?" Gon asked.

"I was looking for you, Gon," I say getting closer to him

"Well, you found me." He said with a faint smile. We began to jog down a path; however, I noticed something wrong with Gon.

"What's wrong, Gon?" I asked sympathetically. We passed by a trail of dead animals. Oh man, I wonder if Muh had anything to do with this.

"It's Leorio..." Gon replied. "Hisoka carried him off after our fight, and I wanted to go after him." Our fight? As in, he fought Hisoka too!

"I told you Gon," Kurapika informed. "We don't know his intentions. He must've let us go to hunt us down one more time."

"Yeah, but still, we can't just leave Leorio." Gon protested. "Right Mai?"

Aww Gon, don't look at me with those eyes.

"You're right Gon," I confirmed. "But, I think we should reach the second phase first. I have a strong feeling that he'll be there." He didn't answer; instead, he looked ahead and almost appeared to be smelling the air. There was something else on his mind, something that scared him.

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