Meeting You

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Eren's POV

"Road trip! Partyyyy!"

I can't believe I'm stuck on a road trip with these idiots for six months. This. Is. Agony. All they do is scream, eat, and shit. Oh, and don't forget agitate the HELL out of me. I wanted to stay home, but noooo. My uncle didn't trust me. He says I always cause trouble, but it isn't me. It's always his friends Coree, Kyle, Tyler, and my dad Randy. My dad has been sexually harassing me for eight years, ever since my mother died from cancer. I can't believe I was only six when she passed.

We were in my uncles RV when everyone decided it was 'try as hard as you can to piss Eren off' day. Fucking hell.

"Hey... Hey Eren..." Poke, poke. "Whatcha dooooin...?"

Oh my fucking-

"Well, I'm trying to drive!"

"Snappy aren't we..."

My drunk dad kept bugging me.

The RV screeched to a stop as I stood up and turned around quickly.

"If you guys don't leave me the hell alone and let me drive I will turn this goddamn RV the fuck around, so I suggest everyone be as quiet as a fucking goddamn mouse so I can fucking concentrate on fucking driving!"

Everything got dead quiet.

My uncle put his hand on my shoulder, "Maybe I should drive, I think you need a break. You should go lie down before you have a panic attack," he told me.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay... I'll go lie down."

I walked to the back of the vehicle and went into one of the small bedrooms. It was plain with no paint or wallpaper and was completely empty except for a neatly made bed and an old nightstand. I quickly fell asleep, ready for a dream. Anything other than this reality.


I see my mom as she's hugging me before bed, placing a light kiss on my forehead before saying she loves me. She gets up to leave, but I stop her.

"Mom..." She stops and turns around with a small smile gracing her lips.

"Yes Eren?"

I stay quiet for a few moments. "Would you mind reading me a bedtime story...?" I ask, hesitantly. I've never been one for bedtime stories, but I feel something, almost dread nawing at the back of my head. I don't want her to leave yet.

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Anything for my baby," she smiles lovingly at me."What would you like me to read darling?"

I thought for a moment before speaking.

"How you and daddy met..."

She stiffened and my vision began to get blurry.


My voice echoed inside my head.

I saw a figure slam the door open, but my sight was too fuzzy to tell who it was. I couldn't even recognize my own mother with how my eyes were out of focus.

I heard voices, but I couldn't hear what they were saying, just mumbles and random words that would have made sense if I could have heard it. I looked directly at them and he grabbed what I could only guess was my mother and everything went back into focus.

"Eren..." Her voice echoed through my head in a choked sob as I saw her throat being squeezed by tan hands. I tried to get up and help her even though I was only a child, but my body wouldn't move from it's position.

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