Chapter 6

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“Good morning,” Daniel closed the door behind him. “Do you have plans today?”

“Only you,” she turned and smiled at him.

“Will you come with me to the Grayson Global event down at the beach? Apparently there’s this volleyball game I’m a part of,” he walked behind her and wrapped his arms around his waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Of course,” she turned to face him.

He smiled at her and leaned in for a kiss. He couldn’t help it.


“Go Daniel!” Emily shouted from the tents. Once in a while he would turn to look at her with a smile plastered on his face. His team was winning of course. He’d doing everything he can to impress her.

“What do you think?” he walked towards her with sand all over his body.

“You were the best out there.”

He laughed, “Really? I’m flattered. I’ll go get changed.”

“Okay,” she watched him grab his stuff and walk towards the changing rooms.

 She stood there waiting for him when one of the waiters came up to her and offered her a drink. She took the last drink off the tray and said a polite thank you.

She only took a sip before Daniel came, “Ready to go?”

“Yep,” she put down the drink on the table and they walked along the beach towards her house.

He placed his bag near the doorway before throwing himself on the couch, “I’m worn out.”

“You hungry?” she handed him a glass of water. “I can make some lunch.”

“That’ll be great.”

Emily’s smile faded and her hand clenched her stomach. “Em are you okay?” Before she could reply she fell over but he caught her from slamming her head on the floor. “Oh my god,” he carried her and grabbed his car keys before rushing out the door. He drove the fastest he has ever had with her laying unconscious in his back seat.

Once they reached the ER, nurses and doctors gathered around her and he stood there speechless not knowing what to do.

“Excuse me Mr. Grayson but you have to wait there,” the doctor pointed towards the chair at the end of the room, “we will call you as soon as her results come back.”

He obeyed and once seated he dialed Nolan telling him to come to the Southampton hospital as fast as he could. Charlotte was next.

15 minutes later, both rushed through the hospital doors at the same time.

“Where’s Emily?” Nolan was panicking.

“Inside, the doctor said he’ll call us when they get her results,” Daniel replied.

“What happened?” Charlotte asked.

“I don’t know either. We were at her house and she was standing up when suddenly she held her stomach then fainted. Luckily I caught her before she fell on the floor. I came her right after that,” he explained.

The doctor came before Nolan and Charlotte could ask more questions, “Emily Thorne’s family?”

“Yes,” they replied simultaneously.

“Ms. Thorne ingested some sort of poison that affected her digestive system. Thankfully, it’s nothing serious. She’ll be awake in a few hours.”

“Thank God,” Nolan let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“Thank you Doc, can we see her now?” Daniel asked.

“Yes she’s in room 147.”

Thank you,” he replied and walked towards the elevators with one arm around Charlotte.

All three of them sat in the room silently before Emily started to gain her consciousness.

“Ems?” Daniel and Charlotte stepped back and allowed Nolan to stand beside the hospital bed.

“Nolan? What happened?” she tried to sit up but couldn’t.

“Lay down. You passed out and Daniel brought you here,” he helped her lay down again.

“Daniel?” she saw him standing in the corner with a worried look.

“Yes? I’m here,” he walked over and held her hand. “Charlotte’s here,” he moved away and Charlotte came over and gave her a hug.

“Em get better ok?” she said as she pulled away.

“Thanks Char. It’s late,” she turned to read the clock. “Nolan you must be tired you guys should head home. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” Nolan looked unsure.

“I’ll stay,” Daniel willingly said to give him some reassurance.

“Ok. See you Ems, feel better,” Nolan gave her a kiss on the cheek. After a few hugs Nolan and Charlotte left leaving the two.

He sat on the chair beside the hospital bed before asking, “How are you feeling?” he asked as he gently stroked her hair.

“Still slightly dizzy.”

“You should get some rest. Get some sleep,” he stood and kissed her forehead.

She closed her eyes and felt more comfortable feeling his hand holding hers.

The next day Emily was back home. She was in the living room making some tea waiting for Daniel to come back when she received a text. It read, “I warned you. Don’t you dare tell Daniel or he’ll be next.”

She stood there in disbelief. It had to be Ashley, who else could it be.

A/N: Hi so this is a short chapter compared to the others. So sorry! I’m hoping during the break next week I’ll be able to write more often. I just wanted to update today in honor of the Revenge S3 premiere. I watched it a few hours ago and :O <- me the whole time. Please comment/vote your thoughts! Those who watched the premiere please message me and we can talk about all the crazy things that happened! :D

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