Chapter 2

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A/N: Okay so here it is! I’m sorry it took some time but I hope you guys enjoy! This chapter is dedicated to Jemlettt cause she was the one who told me to continue this story. And it’s in third person. Sorry about the switch, it wouldn’t work otherwise. Also, the words in Italic are flashbacks :)

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. Mind if I get you another drink?”

“Sure,” Emily replied with a smile as Daniel went to get them drinks.

“Oh my Gosh Ems, is he it? Daniel Grayson?” Nolan being who he is had been spying on her.

“Wait what? He’s a Grayson?”

“You didn’t know? He’s Conrad and Victoria’s eldest son! Charlotte’s brother!”

“I know Charlotte has a brother, but I’ve never seen him. Wait he’s coming back,” Emily waved her hands shooing Nolan away

“Be nice,” Nolan gave her a wink and walked away.

“Here you go,” Daniel said while handing Emily a dry martini.

“Thank you,” Emily took a sip of her a drink and noticed Daniel was drinking water. “You don’t drink?”

“I used to. I’m trying to not get on that path again.”

Wow Emily thought. She had never met a guy in her life who could handle a drinking addiction the way Daniel was. Even though it had only been a few minutes, she already respected him.

“Daniel! Where have you been?” A girl walked over to where they were and Emily noticed her slip her arm around his waist.

“Sorry Ash I was catching up with a few friends,” he explained to her and saw that Emily was standing in awkward silence. “Ash, this is Emily, Emily Ashley.”

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Emily extended her hand and smiled. Ashley rudely smirked, accepted Emily’s hand and let it go after a second. What’s up with her, Emily thought to herself.

“Ashley!” Mrs. Grayson practically screamed.

Ashley let out a moan and plastered a fake smile on her face, “Coming Mrs. Grayson!”

“Don’t worry she’ll come around. She’s like that with people she don’t know,” Daniel said as if reading her mind. She let a smile fall on her face.

“How did you…”

“Please, you had it written all over your face,” he smirked letting out a little laugh.

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. She your girlfriend?”

“No no… She’s just… I don’t know,” he sounded frustrated when he said that.

“Is something wrong?”

“She seems to think we have something going on when we don’t, which annoys me.”

“Oh, we can talk about something else,” he replied Emily’s smile and nodded his head.

“So what brings you to a summer in the Hamptons?”

“Nothing actually. I live here.”

“You do?” he looked confused.

“Yeah, ever since I was 4,”

“Really? How come I never see you around?”

“That makes the two of us,” she laughed.

“Emily!” Charlotte practically ran over to give her a hug. “I assume you’ve met my brother,” she was smiling from ear to ear. She took a glance at their watches making sure both of them didn’t notice her. She was delighted when she saw they read the same. 23:38, twenty-three minutes and thirty-eight seconds after they have met each other. Charlotte always had a thought at the back of her mind that her brother and Emily were meant to be each other.

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