Chapter 1: White Beast

Start from the beginning

"Is that the beast we're looking for?" One of Kakashi's teammates whispered in shock over the radio.

"It appears so," Kakashi answered back from the trees they were hiding in. "Set up for capture," he ordered.

The girl shielded her eyes as best she could with her hair as she sniffed the air and crouched down on all fours, circling while jerking her head in either direction ready to attack anything that moved. Suddenly, she heard the multiple whistles of objects flying towards her and dodged each one as she leaped a few steps back, each object sticking out of the ground where she previously stepped. Then, a large puff of smoke enveloped her only to see she was surrounded by thick metal bars after the smoke cleared.

The ninjas surrounded the now caged girl. Kakashi watched as she grabbed and beat at the cage confining her, growling and roaring with animalistic like sounds. She continued to scream and lash her arms out at his comrades for minutes now. "Let's take her back to the village. That cage is holding her well." Kakashi commanded and two shinobi picked up the cage from the horizontal bars attached to its roof and began their trek back home.

The girl kicked and screamed the entire way back to the gates. The curious villagers were drawn to the screams and a crowd surrounded the ANBU team carrying the cage to the Hokage tower.

"What's happening?"

"Is that blood?"

"We can't afford to take in another monster." The villagers whispered amongst each other.

With all the new people in the girl's view, she began to lash out at them as if she forgot about the bars holding her. Suddenly, the girl shot her head around to glare down at a small blonde boy in a white t-shirt. Barring her teeth and snarling ever louder, she clawed at him the most, eyes showing the utmost hatred towards him.

Those eyes. Even from a complete stranger, I get looked at that way. Just like all the other villagers. The blonde boy frowned in frustration as he pushed passed the crowd to get away from those hateful white eyes.

"Hey, watch it you pest." Comments of protest followed the boy out of sight.

"What is that Ino?" A little Pink haired girl stared at the cage in fear while holding the hand of an equally scared blonde girl.

"I don't know Sakura, but I don't like it."

"Big brother, who is that?" A young black haired boy pointed to the cage.

"It matches the description of a wanted criminal many shinobi have been tracking for the past month."

"She looks like an animal more than a criminal."

"You're right little brother, it does seem that way."

"Itachi," a masked ANBU approached the brother's. "We need you at the Hokage tower right away." Itachi nodded to the shinobi.

"Go on home Sasuke." Itachi told his little brother who reluctantly obeyed.


The robed Hokage stood in the basement of his tower which was a round room completely surrounded by concrete with no windows. Many masked ANBU stood near the wall ready for anything that may happen. He could hear the snarling coming from the other side of the doors before they opened revealing a caged, young white haired girl thrashing about with all her might.

"Chain her to the chair," a rather large brute of a ninja with scars lining his face commanded. The cage was set down and one of the ninja who brought her in opened the gate ready to grab her, but before anyone could react the girl took off, like lightning, heading straight for the Hokage with a loud roar. The Hokage was quick enough to sidestep out of the way only for her to leap off the wall towards his direction once again. A masked ANBU made a grab for her, but not until she was successful in knocking the Hokage's hat off his head. She ran on all fours towards the hat that now lay on the ground. Everyone watched in confusion as she circled it, barring her teeth.

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