We partied HARD if I may say so myself.

Two of my friends stayed over for the night and they were laying together, limbs tangled up on the couch. The other guests left around 3am.

I kissed the sleeping Tyler's cheek before moving out of bed to go downstairs. My body ached and there was a pounding sensation going on in my head.

I walked into the open kitchen to grab something to eat. I pulled out a bowl and decided to make myself some cereal. There was a groan from the couch and I looked towards it to see a pair of lanky arms stretching. It wasn't long until the person yawned and greeted me before trying to untangle themself from the other person.

After a moment of struggle Phil managed to stand up, leaving Dan alone on the couch.

"Morning Phil, want some?" I greeted him with the box of cereal. He gladly took a handful of it and ate it, almost dropping some on the floor.

There was the sound of movement from upstairs. I waited a minute to decide if Tyler was up, then I heard the noise of Tyler groaning and yawning. He made his way down, looking exhausted from the way he moved and his facial expression.

"Morning. Fuck! My head is in so much pain right now." He walked to my side and placed his head against my arm.

"I might have something for that." I turned around to rummage through my cabinets. I managed to find what I was looking for. I handed the painkillers to Tyler. He thanked me and went to pour some water for himself.

"I've never seen someone manage to drink as much as you did last night." Phil commented, taking another cereal and eating it.

"I regret everything. Wish I could turn back time and slap myself in the face before I had that second beer." Tyler took the pill and drank it down with water.

"Spiral of regrets." I looked at Tyler who was leaning against the counter. He smiled before going over to the fridge and looking through it.

"Let's see: milk, lettuce, cheese, five eggs, apple juice, two beers, ketchup, two carrots and three tomatoes. Great start to the day. Cereal it is then." He went to grab another bowl for himself and he poured his favourite cereal into it.

"I think Danny boy is starting to wake up." I pointed out, looking as Dan wiggled around on the couch. Phil turned around to observe his boyfriend trying to pull himself together. He laughed at Dan's struggle.

"Phiiilllll." The three of us laughed as Dan called out for Phil's help. The laughing became louder when Dan actually rolled off the couch onto the floor.

When I used to live alone I would invite these two dorks over and Dan would always, and I mean always, manage to make a fool out of himself. Once we were talking and he was leaning in his chair, and then BAM! Dan was on the floor.

"How do you manage with him?" I asked him, pouring in milk into my bowl as Tyler tried to not choke on his food from laughter.

"We're both clumsy so it's not that hard."

"Like taking care of children." Tyler joked, pointing to Dan who was acting like a turtle on its back.

"Excuse me for a minute." Phil went to help Dan out as Tyler and I observed.

Tyler placed his empty bowl down and I did the same a few seconds after. I went to press my lips softly against Tyler's for a sweet morning kiss. He smiled, snaking his arms around me. I did the same. We stood with our arms around each other as Phil finally got Dan up from the floor.

"I'm glad I didn't wear my leather t-shirt or else I would be so uncomfortable right now." Dan dragged himself over to us with Phil by his side.

Suburbia (Troyler AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora