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I look him into the eyes. Did he just really ask me whether I would want to come home with him? I don't know. Actually, I wanted to say yes, but not to have sex or anything, just to get to know him more. 

"Isn't it a bit quick?" I ask him. He looks at me. "We have only know each other for aorund 2 days and believe me, it's really nice being around you, but I don't think I should say yes to this yet." I should't go home with him and regret it afterwards, so it's best to say no to him right now. 

"Of course, I'm sorry for asking," he says, "It's alright really. You're a great girl though." I smile. We drive home, and I run inside when I'm there. I'm hoping my mother would still be awake when I'm there, but apparently not. I find my some food and go to bed. 

The next morning, I open my eyes and I feel the sun shining in my eyes. I am still tired, but I get out of bed. It's time to go get a shower, to wash all of the hairspray out my hair. It's still bright outside, but I feel like it is going to rain, perhaps even snow later today. It actually rarely snows here in South Africa, but I hope it will this time. Because it always looks super pretty in the American Christmas movies. Then again, we celebrate Christmas in the summer. South Africa is so plain and boring. One day I'll travel all around the world. When I step into the shower, I suddenly realize that Sophie and Nadia will arrive today. Sophie had mentioned in her last email that she might bring another friend, Julia, but I'm not sure. I met her just one time and she seemed pretty alright. 

Once I'm done showering, I'm starting my morning routine. I prepare breakfast for the guests. My mother is there, but she doesn't look at me, I feel like she's still angry with me. Once I'm done with all my duties, I get on my coat and go for a walk outside in the park. It's not super big. There's a pond with ducks, and children feeding them. Not so special, that would happen anywhere really. There's a few benches and there's a ton of gras. 

"Alexandra!" I hear someone yell, I look around me and I see Sophie running towards me, and Julia following her.

"What on earth are you doing here?" I ask her surprised. 

"We were just checking out the park, but then we saw you," Julia says once she arrives, not having the best physical condition. She seems to be out of breath. 

"What a nice surprise! I was just out for a walk, waiting for Nadia to arrive," I tell the girls. 

"Nadia is coming too?" Julia asks me.

"Sure she is!" I reply enthousiastically. 

"How awesome, this is going to be just one crazy time," Julia says.

"That I'm sure off," Sophia says. We walk together through the park to my place. It's just a small trip and it's pretty healthy to make a small detour. I get a text message by the time we arrive home. 

"I'm almost there. Is Sophie there yet? - Nadia." 

I don't text back, because by the time I start typing, I see her car arriving already. She parks her car and steps out of the car. She smiles as she walks up to me and gives me an hug. She also hugs Sophie and Julia, whom she's seen before. 

"Sophie! How are you doing?" Nadia asks, "How is your boyfriend? Didn't he want to come with you?" Sophie starts to giggle, having never seen her boyfriend before and she has always been interested to see how handsome he was.

"He had other things to attend," she says, "But he is very handsome indeed" I smile. 

"I have met him though," I giggle. Sophie glares at me, quite jealous. 

"That's just great, now I'm probably the only one who has never even met him," Sophie pouts. 

"Well, that's not really a lie," Julia says laughing. Nadia takes out her suitcase and carries her suitcase around. My parents don't really like this, but well, they'll survive, there's enough space in my room, so they'll be fine, and it would cost them more money, because they're not renting out any rooms to my friends. I do really need my own place...

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