Something rustled the trees, some strange breeze, and it didn't add up─

The monster growled low above him, wide and sharp fangs dripping with saliva, jaw opening wider─

Then he suddenly knew what the slow trickle of consciousness is. He grinned.

A water source.

Then a black, oozing mass of goo appeared in a miniature whirlwind, growing arms, legs, torso and a head.

A humanoid body formed in a way Percy didn't ever see before.

Then a wicked light glinted in his eyes, and his face transformed into a gaping maw with sharp teeth, roaring at the dull sky.

The Leviathingy.

Or whatever. As if gorilla-wolves weren't enough trouble for him.

The gorilla-wolf whimpered, an honest-to-gods low, keening whine, and backed away from the demigod and bolted to the sanctuary of the dead trees.

The Leviathan's face was back to normal as he swung his gaze back, and though Percy loathed the idea of another creature hunting him down, he was almost glad for the familiar calculating look in the eyes of the Leviathan, compared to the wild-eyed monsters and insane creatures he didn't even know.

After the incident with the tattoo freaks, he didn't met any other creature with the same intelligence. Maybe because they sticked together and kept one another sane.

And it was, at the same time, a bad thing to have a smart opponent.

So, monster land had some creatures that at least are decent-looking. Complete with the black and white suit outfit.

He didn't know if that was supposed to be some insult to humanity.

The Leviathan crouched down, and Percy rolled to his right, wincing when his left shoulder came in contact with the ground, all the while, the presence of water growing stronger in his mind's eye.

A stream, he thought giddily.

He wasn't sure if Purgatory also have some killer rivers or streams like Tartarus had.

"The rumors are true, then," said the Leviathan, a few feet away from him. Oh, so it speaks in full sentences. "The last of his kind, wandering Purgatory alone. You shouldn't even be here."

"Yeah. Last of his kind, nah. See, we're plenty, even after the last war, if you count the Roman demigods." He grinned and inched his way to the right. "So, now I know why you hide behind human faces. You guys are all ugly." He shook his head in mock disappointment. "Uglier than Hephaestus and Medusa combined. No offense, my Lord!" he shouted at the sky, even though he knew he will get no answer whatsoever.

The Leviathan transformed again, all sharp teeth and gaping mouth with the horrible tongue, roaring to the skies.

He avoided the sharp teeth, sidestepping neatly like he had the first time. He said, "Missed me! Guess ugly faces think alike, then."

If there was a stream, he could heal himself.

The Leviathan roared again, and rushed at him with all the intent of someone who wanted to rip him apart into bloody pieces.

Or to eat him.

Percy tried to dodge─but this time, the twisted creature didn't miss, seemingly knowing where he would go.

The sharp needle-like teeth caught his left shoulder, and he cried out in pain, the white-hot pain blinding him momentarily.

Dark spots danced in his eyes, and the Leviathan started to unhinged his jaw, but Percy clenched his fist on the still-pristine suit and grimly held on.

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