Chapter One

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Katya danced. That’s all she wanted to do after the terrible day she had been having. Her boyfriend Aaron had suggested this new club in town, three storeys tall each storey held all sorts of wonder. A 20’s style bar resided on the top floor, a more classy area with live music, alcohol and the occasional debauchery. The bar was nicknamed O’Malley’s after the Australian Prime Minister who had tried to introduce prohibition, a joke the new owners failed to notice the subtlety of. The middle floor, also known as the ground, housed a classy cafe, it was a more intimate setting with books and chess boards. This part was open during the day but at night it became another lovely performing venue, anyone could perform and many local bands debuted albums on that little stage. It housed a little upright piano, at the right time of day a patron would put their fingers to good use and soon everyone would sing along. The final and most interesting of the clubs floors was the bottom, underground and only accessible from the middle storey the bottom floor was an interesting find. It consisted a dance floor, as well as sitting areas and a small bar. No live music was played here, making it different from the other floors, but music from electro swing, nu jazz and any other relatable genre was pumped through with massive volume. Katya felt a small tap on her shoulder, she turned around to see her boyfriend with a drink in hand. Just water, as Katya had requested.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked her


“Are you enjoying yourself?” he repeated. Katya nodded her head as her boyfriend rolled his eyes. They had been together for over five years now and he could read her like a book. He pointed to the stairwell indicating they should go to another floor, Katya nodded before following him up the stairs.

The cafe was quiet, it wasn’t as fast-paced as the room below, even then the atmosphere was intimate and it allowed Aaron and Katya to finally talk.

“It was pretty awkward,” was all Katya said as they sat down at a table, referring to the events that happened in the day. Aaron sighed, he knew perfectly well what Katya was talking about.

“You’d never accept if I proposed to you now, would you?” he said chuckling slightly. Katya frowned at his comment.

“I really don’t see how you can’t take this seriously…”

“But, you don’t want to get married Kat, you’ve said that yourself plenty of times-”

“I know Aaron, I know. I just felt really belittled today.”

“What did they say exactly?”

“They told me I couldn’t be having a lot of fun, and when I asked why the girls at worked commented on us. They said the relationship was pointless unless it was going to end in marriage and kids.”

“Well, they’re just idiots Kat.” Katya smiled at this comment, Aaron was right, hell she was right. Being together was all that mattered to them and that was a good thing.

A waitress finished clearing the table of the lovely couple who had just left to go upstairs. She continued to wait on other patrons but couldn’t get that couple off her mind. They reminded her of home, of her friend and lover as they basked in the pale moonlight. But she mustn't think of him, this was her life now.

“Farah, could you come here please?” asked Hector, one of the cafe staff. Farah woke up from her daydream and walked towards him. He was trying to adjust one of the coffee tables and was failing miserably.

“Here, let me do it” she said as she fixed the table in the span of several minutes. Hector sighed as he watched her put the table back in place.

“God, Farz you excellent women,” he said using her nickname, well the nickname he had picked out for her. She blushed a little, she was never used to compliments. She had come to work at the club a month ago and loved every minute of it, the owners were very kind to her and let her have this job after first meeting her. Hector was the youngest brother of one of the owners Georgias Christos (often anglicised to just George), Hector was the manager of the cafe section of Nu! Farah and Hector were close in age and as a result got on very well. They would spend much free time together, although normally in the club sometimes Hector would invite Farah to his apartment after a hard day of work and in turn she would sleep on his couch. It was better than the alternative, Farah did not live in the best of conditions living with several other roommates, none of whom talked much to the girl with a Persian name.

“What are you doing this evening?” asked Hector as casually as he could muster.

“Nothing, after work I shall probably sleep,” she replied.

“Would you like to come over to mine again?”

“Sure,” she replied as non-committal as she could even though she was excited. She relished in the freedom to go out and do whatever she wanted to.

Hector watched as Farah cleared more tables. He was glad she was his friend but he had always found her a little indifferent. He wasn’t sure if he liked her in a romantic sense, it would be irresponsible for him to considering how little he knew about her. He knew he would have to discuss this with his brother, George knew three main things; sport, business and women. Hector watched as his brother and his sister in law waltzed their way in the corner of the cafe. A live band was playing but the two looked so happy, and so very content.

Hannah and George danced slowly, as if they were teenagers. Having been married for over three years and now with the business steady they always took a night off to enjoy each others company. George and Hannah had met at university, Hannah was the editor of the university newspaper, while George was an amatuer reporter, both had met at the dramatic society in a production of ‘A Streetcar Named Desire.’ Hannah and George sat in one of the back rooms, on couches that faced each other.

“I bought this today,” Hannah said as she waved a small box in George’s face. George smiled.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” he replied as giddy as a schoolgirl. The couple sat there comfortably as they chatted away, box still resting in Hannah’s hand.

“The new hire is doing well tonight,” said Hannah as she looked out of the window. They were talking about their new barman Nick who had started the other night. The lad was only nineteen and was a bit clumsy at first but gradually he was getting used to it. Farah had been a huge help to him and the two of them had become very close friends.

“He was a very well-picked barman,” George replied.

At the bar Nick was starting to panic, he had forgotten, once again, the make up of a certain cocktail.

“Are you okay?” Katya asked him as she waited for her order.

“Yes, sorry, I forgot how to make the cocktail,” he replied, laughing a little. Katya laughed back. Aaron looked over to the pair and frowned. The chumminess made him uncomfortable enough to walk to the bar.

“Is everything okay here Kat?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s fine. Nick here forgot how to make my cocktail, but we got there in the end.”

“Sorry to keep you waiting Kat,” Nick replied handing the drink back to her.

“After this I think we should go,” Aaron suggested, Katya looked at him strangely.

“All right, if you want. I was thinking of just staying here and chatting. But I am a bit tired,” she replied fake yawning enthusiastically to make Aaron laugh. It did make him laugh, and it made Nick laugh as well. Katya quickly finished her drink and grabbed her coat.

“It was nice seeing you Nick,” she said as Aaron led her outside. Nick waved goodbye and watched the couple walk away.

The night was over and all went home but it was only the beginning of trouble for the people of Club Nu!.

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