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Maddy's P.O.V
I left the room kinda upset i really just wanted things to be the way they were I walked onto a empty street it was cold crap i should have brought a jacket I thought... I felt a hand over my mouth i tried breaking free but the grip was too strong. Why is this happening to me i thought as i screamed I started crying realizing im not strong enough to get free....

Mario's P.O.V
"Maddys been gone for awhile." Cat said out of no where. "Yea she has its been like an hour." Geo added. I stood up to out of the room. "Where are you going?" Cat asked. " to find Maddy you coming?" I asked. She simply nodded and stood up.

*4 Hours later*
Jovani's P.O.V
Mario ran into the room puffy eyed his eyes were blood shot. We all started freaking out trying to comfort him I've never seen him this upset. "Shes gone..." He mummbled. "What.?" Julian asked. "Shes fucking gone and its all my fault i knew she was upset and instead of going with her and comforting he i decided to stay and eat nasty jelly beans!" He screamed. "Wow calm down." Cat said. "I CANT CALM THE FUCK DOWN THE GIRL I LOVE IS MISSING MY BEST FRIEND IS MISSING CALL THE POLICE." He started crying harder.

Maddy's P.O.V
Oh god this is it im rather going to get raped and then killed or just killed. I was getting dragged into the back of a car. Why wouldn't this person blind fold me? I thought isn't that usually how these things work? We drove for what seemed to be about an hour and finally stopped at a motel i was thrown on the bed and the big guy that brought me there left me alone in this creepy motel room. I need to figure out a way to get ahold of my friends i sobbed trying to take the cloth out of my mouth looking for something anything to help me get out of.

Mario's P.O.V
Its been 8 hours since me and cat went looking for maddy I cant believe i lost her my maddy again. Well she's not mine but I was actually going to ask her to be mine. She could have ran away or been taken were not even sure the police have told us to make a web on when we started noticing that she was upset. "Was she suicidal?" One of the investigators asked. "No she wasn't what the hell type of question is that?" I spat. "Calm down Mario its okay." Geo tried comforting me. I've never felt this way before.

Maddy's P.O.V
Just as i thought i was about to go crazy I hear footsteps coming closer i screamed thinking it might be someone that could help but i instantly shut up thinking other wise the guy from earlier came in and a few seconds later fimilar eyes stared into mine. "Madison" he had a sigh of relief on his face. The guy took the cloth out of my mouth and untied me i looked at him wide eyed ive never been so happy to see this little rat


You guys thought it was Mario didn't you😂 theres a whole lot of tea to spill sorry for a short chapter i thought it would build up the suspense and i ended up having to shower after dance so thats why its 35 mins later whoops im so excited to start writing again love you guys -Mysti your favourite ite little Canadian 🇨🇦🌃

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