Heart Rate Elevation Issues

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You're (P.O.V)

I wake up and Nick wasn't in bed with me, I looked around for him in the house but I couldn't seem to find him, so I went outside to look instead. I saw him in the pool just basking in the sun. I walked up to the pool and sat my feet in to soak. So what you doing, I questioned. Nothing.... Would you care to join me, Nick said. "I would, but I don't have a bathing suit." You could just strip down to your bra and thong, he purred. I looked at him with a dark blush. Nick looked at me with such curiosity and tried to figure out if I would do it. I made up my mind thinking that it's just like a bikini but sexier as I take of my shirt. He sat up looking aroused by my choice I made and as I took off my shorts he stared to stare. I jumped into the pool as he was distracted, he fell off the floaty and swam towards me. As we where in our own little world under water, we rose up for air but Nick's lips hit my own after I took a breath. We parted and he bit his lips and trialed his hand down my hips, his fingertips brushing just above the waistband of my thong, his finger hooking around it but before he could go father, someone had shouted. Oh, what was that, he said. 

Nick got out of the pool and looked through the crack in the fence. I made my way towards him asking what was wrong, he replied with a question asking if I wanted to go have fun. I nodded yes, curious of what we where going to do but before I could think on backing out, Nick picked me up. Wait, Nick what are you doing? Just jump over the fence. I carefully settled my self down on to the other side as Nick does the same. He hushes me and tells me to follow him, we sneak through the window and I see a withering old man. Nick tells me to get under the bed quickly, he takes the IV with morphine in it from the old man's machine and injects it in between his toes. It scared me to see what risks Nick would take to satisfy himself with drugs and then he whispered in my ear so that nobody would know we where here. "Do you want a turn?" I felt my spine shiver and I was sort of turned on by him asking that question, but I knobbed yes to let him know that I would give it a try. He waited until there was only a little left to let me feel the sensation but it was probably for the best knowing that I wasn't quit use to just trying random drugs. 

Nick pulled the IV out form in between his toes and said that he was going to insert it in to my foot I panicked a little because I was afraid of needles just a bit. Hey, hey, hey, said to me trying to calm me down. "I will only hurt for a moment, its not like getting shot now." I calmed down and took very deep breaths and let him do as he wished. It was finally attached and I felt that flow of morphine streaming through my foot. Nick hugged me and told me that I would be thanking him later and then started to kiss my neck. The sensation was way to much for because my neck was one of my weak spots and Nick could tell I liked it but he also knew that he should stop. I eventually got to the point of my body couldn't handle what was happening and I had passed out.

Nick's (P.O.V)

I noticed that (y/n) had fallen a sleep or whatever so I decided to get me and (y/n) the hell out of this house. So picked her up and literally made a run for it. We made it back over to my mom's place and I took (y/n) into the house and placed her in a bed. I then got my clothes on that I had stolen from the hospital and then I walked outside. I sat down on the lawn chair and covered my self with the jacket I was wearing a few minutes later I hear someone saying my name. 'Nick, Nick..." I lowered the cloth from my face and looked at some strange women that I guess was a doctor. She graded my wrist and was checking my pulse. "You're heart rates elevated." "You're a very attractive women." I gave her a gentle smile hoping that she would just go away now and she did, so thank god that I played it cool.

An Hour later

I went into the house and was about to flip, I couldn't handle the fact that I was sucked dry of what I needed. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find a single god damn drug, but then my mom came in and looked at me. "What do you want me to say" She came up to me and said that you don't know. There was a pause, a moment right there and then it all went down into her rage and anger towards me after I said what in a harsh tone. Continuing to just slap me, beat the shit out of me, I deserved every hit too for what I've made her go through and all I heard were the murmurs of her saying," you have know idea". I sat there looking at her like a lost dog begging for forgiveness but she left me stranded alone. I got up and walked out of the room after that fight I had with mom and I went into the guest room. Shutting the door behind me I took my jacket off and closed the blinds, I cuddled up to (y/n) and started to play with her hair. "You're the only one that understands me" I started to cry at this point and dug my head into her shoulder, repeating what I had said earlier over and over again and in till I had passed out.

Hours later

I had woke up to the sound of men screaming at someone and gotten up from the bed. (y/n) was still asleep and I thought that was good, she needed the rest but I sneaked around the corners of the hall way and I saw Alicia. It was dead silent, "run." I ran as fast as I could but I had got cornered by the all the ass hole army men and knocked out. Now everything was black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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