Your My New Addiction

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The sun's radians burned on to the pavement of the neighborhood were all the soldiers patrolled; all was very quit except for foot steps approaching a nearby house in this desolate place. 

Nick's (P.O.V)

I heard a knock on the door I hasted to get up, then I heard it again. I opened the door to see a woman about my age that seemed formulory to me at the moment but the suns glares blocked my memory. When she stepped a bit forward I could see her clearly, I   remembered who she was, but I  stayed silent. Um sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could-. She stared at me for a second second or two with wondering eyes . Nick?, she said. "Wait let me remember... its (y/n), right?" "Um yea, its been along time. So how have you been?" "Lifes a roller coastet honesty, it's been rough cause I just got out of the hospital." "Oh my god are you ok now? What happened?  Well you want to come in? Sure! I had invited her in to my Mom's house and she went to the coach and I had sat right next to her. So I guess you wanted to ask me something? Um yea but don't worry about, it's nothing really. I look at her and I couldn't stop staring, but before I knew it I had went in for a kiss. It started out slow and then right to deep and passionate. As we part from the kiss her entire face was in flames with red. I pointed out to her that her face was cherry red and she seemed to be embarrassed about it, but I thought it was cute. 

You're (P.O.V)

I was completely shocked by Nick's actions when he kissed me; all I could do was stair at him with my face flushed in red. What's going on here and who is this? Oh Mom, Nick said. This is my girlfriend. Wait what! No, no, no, I'm not his girlfriend. Well now you are. No, I'm not. Says the one who kissed me, he said in a seductive way. Nick's mom walked away annoyed at our child like actions, Nick scooted closer to me and wrap his arm around me. Listen, he said. Were close friends and maybe I want to be a little more then that. Nick I don't know, I mean I haven't seen you in forever and well-. Come on, I can show you things... that you've never seen or experienced. I couldn't say no to what he was offering and I lived all by my self, having no clue of what could happen to me I agreed with him. I actually like Nick he's vary sweet and we've bin friends for a while, but he disappeared on me and I haven't seen sense today. Um Nick... can I move in with you, I mean I live all by my self and I-. Sure. Wait, really? Yea, I don't see why not.

Nick's (P.O.V)

(y/n) moved in with us and my mom was pissed sense I didn't ask her permission and there were enough people already. (Later at night) I was in bed and I couldn't fall a sleep because I was craving any type of pill at this point, but I had closed my eyes and then felt rustling in the front of my covers. I sat up and pulled the covers off of who ever was in bed with me and I saw (y/n). I pulled the covers back on her but this time I had cuddled right next to her and asked what she was doing in bed with me. Well I couldn't sleep, she said. Same here, I responded back. Why can't you sleep, Well (y/n) remember why you didn't see me for a long time. Yes, she said in a quit manor. I had got addicted to drugs and I still am. (y/n) seemed to be shocked by this and I thought she would be mad but instead she just started talking about how it was ok to be addicted to things. She had told me that she had an addiction to a lot of things from along time ago. By the time she was done telling me about her problems, I thought maybe I could get her in to something better and bring her down with me.

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