*The Notebook

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(( is it too soon to update? I don't know and I don't care I just love my pun right there ^

Also I took a screenshot of a certain point to keep the right font but if you can't read it (I'm especially lookin' at chu mobile-users) please let me know and I'll swap it over to plain text.))

"Vincent, can I see you in here, please?" 

Vincent rolled his eyes. It was bad enough he had to work double time at the moment - with no pay raise - seeing as Scott couldn't even man up enough to show up at work, his Boss had been ten times as annoying.

"What?" Vincent walked into the Boss's office and parked himself huffily in the chair. Anyone else at this point would have said he was acting like Mike (not that Vincent would have believed it, because, please, he'd never be that petty).

Boss regarded him carefully from behind the desk, "Watch your tone, Bishop, don't give me a reason to fire you. Have you been in contact with Scott, recently?"

Vincent shrugged, and was about to snap a retort, before catching himself, "No. He stopped calling me. We haven't talked in... a week."

"That's what I thought," Boss sighed and leaned over to the left of the desk. A phone sat there. He pressed a button and a loud beep emanated from it, followed by:

"Hello? Hello, hello? Hey. It's, um, Scott here,"

Despite himself, Vincent felt a pang in his heart at the sound of his voice. He suddenly saw an image in his mind's eye, Scott after their first kiss, his brown eyes wide and soft like melted chocolate, his face pink with the cutest blush Vincent had ever laid eyes on, his arms wrapped cautiously around Vincent as if he worried he was too fragile to hold close.

"Uh, anyway," Scott's voice on the phone continued. "Look, Vincent and I went out the other day, and..." He trailed off for a second, and Vincent thought he heard just the slightest of sniffles. When Scott spoke again, he sounded depressed, "U-um... I... got sick! Heh," Scott laughed nervously, "Yeaah. Sucks, doesn't it? I-I've been in bed all day. So... I might not be able to come to work today... or tomorrow... ...or after that... D-Don't worry about me, though! I'm taking good care of myself! Drinking soup and snuggling up in the blankets... P-Please don't come over, and tell Mom and Dad not to come check on me either. I, uh... don't wanna make anyone sick so... Yeah! Just thought I'd let you know. Byee!"

There was another beep; the message had ended.

Vincent and Boss sat in silence for a while.

"Scott is many things," Boss said at last. "He's a gentleman, he's an idiot, he's way too naïve, he's a nervous wreck. Most of all, though, the number one thing you need to know about Scott? He's an awful liar."

Vincent laughed at that, a sad kind of laugh, because he'd just remembered the time Scott had wiped lipstick off of his face from the kitchen maids, giving him that over-protective mom kind of a look. "Yeah. That's true."

"I'm not going to ask you what happened between you two, but could you do me a favour? Scott left this behind last time he was at work," Boss reached under his desk and pulled out a plain brown notebook. He slid it across to Vincent, a knowing look in his eyes. "Return it to him for me, okay?"

Vincent looked down at the notebook. He reached out and picked it up carefully, as though he may tear the pages if he picked it up too fast.

"So?" Boss leaned back in his chair. "Why are you still here? Those pizzas aren't going to serve themselves, Bishop. Get to it!"

Vincent stood up, turning around and walking back out of the Office. He was hyperaware of the notebook in his hand. It would be inconsiderate of himself to look inside, but...

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