10 years later, Madison

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Madison's PoV

I'm Madison Wayne, you know daughter of Bruce Wayne. Well that's pretty much all you need to know about me. Okay so dad and I got an invitation to Lex Luthor's Party. And for some reason he decided that we are going. Why? So we don't make ourselves look bad. For dad's company and my school and other things. This is going to be fun in a way. I don't like him. I never did. Then if you think about it nobody really does.
I was in my room with Alfred helping me pick out a dress for the occasion. I finally found the found the perfect one. A long crimson red low-high dress with a black belt like thing that goes across my waist. I'm wasting a good dress on this party. Oh well. At least it will give me the chance to actually wear it. I don't know if this is charity? Business? Or whatever it is... So anyways I had a couple hours to get ready for the party. I don't really want to go, I already know there's going to be a lot of papparazi there. So that means I can grab my electic scrambler if they try to take my picture. I understand they want to take my picture but I think I have enough taken daily. Thanks to a lot of people following me around I can't have a normal life outside Wayne Manor.

"Miss Madison, your father wants you downstairs in five minutes," Alfred said through the door.

"Okay, thanks Alfred," I say.

I already know what dad wants me to do. Since it will take a while to get there and he wants to do a quick patrol before we go. And that means, I have to wear my dress under my suit. This should be intresting. And we're going to be taking one of our faster cars to the party. This isn't really that new to me. So that means that we will have to split up and search for trouble. It can end up being some of Joker's goons doing something to Penguin robbing a museum. But those are easy people to take care of. I walk downstairs to the Grandfather clock and set the time to open the secret door and stepped in. I wait for it to open and once it does I walk into the dark cave like place. Or the Batcave, as I call it.

"Madison, suit up. You should know the drill by now," Dad- err... Batman spoke in his monotone.

I take my suit out of its case and slide it on over my dress. I know weird right. I'm used to this. My suit consisted of a red tank top with a black jacket. Before I put my pants on I adjust my dress and good thing I'm wearing shorts underneath. I moved to my black pants and put those on and put a yellow belt around my waist, that's my utility belt. And I put a domino mask on along with a pair of black boots with grey on the bottom. When I finished getting ready I look at Batman and smirk.

Batman got in his batmobile and drove off. I waited for my motorcycle to come up. I hop on and look back to see Alfred and put my helmet on giving him a thumbs up as a good-bye and took off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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