By the time she was done, Trinity's eyes were achy and bloodshot, but they were dry. For a moment, they just sat there, Sky combing through Trinity's hair repeatedly, in a comforting way, before she spoke.

"Damn girl, you got it bad."

Trinity bursted with giggles. She was happy and grateful to have Sky with her at that moment.

"I know. Everything sucks right now."

Sky nodded, "Yeah, but you know what doesn't suck? Your friendship with Julian. I'm sorry I was such a bitch to him."

Trinity smiled. "Its fine, he'll understand when I talk to him later. He's great like that."

Trinity frowned, remembering the look in his eye before he left.

"Well, that is, if he'll even talk to me. This past weeks been rocky."

"Know what? Go see him. Me and you will talk another day, you two need to sort this out now. Sound good?"

Trinity wasn't sure if that would work out, but she nodded anyways. The two girls said their goodbyes, and walked in opposite directions.

Trin got out her cell and shot Julian a text asking him to meet her at the docks. After receiving a measly 'Sure' from him that made her uneasy, she called her parents to let them know she was going to be home late.

Reaching the docks, she found the one she usually sat at and planted herself at the end of it. The water was reflecting the light of the moon in an ominous way that gave Trinity goosebumps. She gazed at the stars sprinkled across the top, before she noticed Julian in the waters reflection.

"Hey," she whispered as he sat next to her, laying a blanket over her shoulders. She smiled slightly at the gesture.

He remained silent, staring at the lake as well.

Her smile fell.

Scooting closer to him, resulted in him scooting further away and heart heart began to ache.

"Don't be mad at me," she pleaded desperately.

He opened his mouth, but she spoke first, "And don't yell, please."

He shut it again and turned his head away.

She got closer again, and felt relief creep through her veins when he didn't move away. She wrapped the blanket across both of their shoulders and leaned into him.

Her fingers closed around his wrist as she stroked the skin there softly. "I want to explain everything, but I can't."

His fist balled, but he didn't pull away. "There's a large difference between can't and won't, Darling. Maybe you should learn it."

An even larger sense of relief flushed through her at the endearment. "Alright, I won't tell you. That doesn't make it any better does it?"

His head turned towards her and his lips twitched into a small smirk, "Not at all, but I admire the bluntness."

She giggled, happy that, for the moment, they were okay. She knew sooner or later he'd be less accepting of her evading his questions, but she'd worry about it then.

"Tell me something that nobody knows about you," he said suddenly.

Trinity racked her brain for a second and blurted out the first thing that popped into her mind. "Skylar was my first kiss."

Julian's eyebrow rose in a questioning manner. "I didn't realize that you were bi-curious."

Trinity laughed loudly, amused by his lack of surprise. "It was a game of truth or dare at a small party in ninth grade. She never turns down a dare."

He laughed, "Nice to know."

"She's sorry by the way," Trinity said as an afterthought. "Now tell me something that I don't know about you."

Julian was quiet for a few minutes.

He wrapped his arm around Trinity and laid his head on hers before answering, "You're becoming my best friend, Darling."

Trinity's eyes watered slightly, but she held back the tears. Snuggling in closer, she whispered back, "You're becoming mine, too."



I listened to The Killers new song, Shot At The Night the whole time I wrote this. I love it so much, its probably going to make an appearance in this story at some point.

But yeah, second update in a week, hope you liked it!

Enjoy! xx


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