Chapter 1 - Anna's 18th Birthday

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Chapter 1
Anna's 18th Birthday
(Anna's POV)

"Your Majesty!" a knight gasped, carrying a shield with the symbol of the sun and moon on it, "There has been another attack by one of those ice monsters!" Jack sighed, and turned to Anna, "I have to go, you're sure you'll be alright?"
"Dad, I'm fine." Anna said, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Are you sure? With your mother out, you'll be like the only one in the castle."
"I'm fine." Anna repeated, leaning back in her chair, "And I won't be alone, the knights will be here."
Jack looked at her with concern, "You're sure you don't want guards-"
"DAD! I'm not 5 years old anymore!" Anna exclaimed in exasperation, "I can take care of myself!"
Jack gave her a weak smile, "Alright, I'll be right back. I just have to sort out this problem...again." he muttered, picking up his staff. He took one last glance at Anna, and then flew out of the room.
Anna sighed, "Why don't they trust me?" she thought, twisting the streak of platinum white among her orange hair, while staring in the flames in the fireplace. She didn't know how she got that white streak of hair, but she'd had it for as long as she could remember. Her mother, Rapunzel, had a streak of brown with her blond hair, sort of like Anna.
Lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice a large man with a snow white beard, and wearing a red jacket, entering the room behind her.
"There she is!" he suddenly said, with a Russian accent, smiling, "The birthday girl!"
Anna's face split into a wide grin and turned around, "Grandpa North!" she exclaimed in joy, leaping up from her chair. She rushed over to him, jumped up, and hugged him around his neck.
North gave a hearty laugh, and hugged her back, "Happy Birthday Anna!" Anna leaped back down to the ground, still grinning.
"You're not supposed to be here until tonight!" Anna jokingly accused him.
North gave another hearty laugh, "Well, I couldn't wait! I have a surprise for you!"
Anna's eyes brightened with excitement, "What is it?" she asked eagerly.
"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?" North said, smiling, "But, I'll show you now."
Anna grinned, "Really?"
"Of course! I'm sure your dad won't mind." North replied, tying a blindfold over her eyes, so she only saw blackness, "This way." he said, putting a hand on Anna's shoulder, and guiding her. Anna felt the hard stone floor underneath her feet. She heard the creaking of a door, and the cool winter breeze stung her face. She then felt the crunching of snow underneath her feet, and then they stopped. North removed the blindfold, and Anna opened her eyes. She was momentarily blinded by the white of the snow. Her vision cleared up almost instantly, and she saw a bright red sleigh (pulled by 8 reindeer), in front of her.
"Your sleigh?" Anna asked confused.
"I'm going to teach you how to ride it." North said.
Anna gasped in delight. Ever since she was 10, she had wanted to learn how to ride his sleigh. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Anna said, jumping up, and hugging him again.
"You're welcome!" North laughed, setting her back down on the ground, "Let's go!" And with that, he climbed into the sleigh. Positively glowing, Anna clambered in after him, and took hold of the reins. She snapped them, and the reindeer took off at full speed.
"Whoa!" Anna exclaimed, as they took off into the air. North directed her on what to do, and soon they were gliding smoothly over the kingdom of Corona. Anna looked down on the snow covered kingdom in awe, "This is amazing!" she exclaimed.
"Yes it is. Castle!" North said in alarm.
"Oh right." Anna replied, turning her attention back to the reins, and guiding the reindeer to the left, avoiding smashing into the castle. North sighed in relief, "Close shave there. And it looks like your mother's back." North said, peering over the side of the sleigh. Anna glanced down and saw a person with extremely long, blond hair, trudging through the snow towards the castle. "I think it's time we head back down." North said.
"Do we have too?" Anna whined. She was really enjoying herself, flying over the kingdom with the cool breeze blowing in her face.
"You're as stubborn as your dad, and yes, I think we have too. Your mom's going to be expecting you to be inside." North replied.
Sighing, Anna landed the sleigh back on the ground, and hopped out of it. She quickly walked back inside the castle, North following her.
"Anna? Where are you?!" Rapunzel asked, with a panicked voice.
Anna rolled her eyes, walking towards her mother's voice, "She panics too much." she thought. "I'm here mother!" Anna said, as they rounded the corner.
Rapunzel sighed in relief and smiled, "For a second there I thought you left the castle!"
"I did." Anna replied simply, unfastening her cloak and hanging it over one of the chairs. She looked up to find Rapunzel giving her a stern look, "What?" Anna asked.
"Did someone go with you?" Rapunzel asked sternly.
"Yeah, Grandpa North came with me."
"North?" Rapunzel said confused, and then noticed that North was in the room too, "North! When did you here?!" she asked surprised.
"I've been here for a while." North replied, "I just showed Anna her surprise."
"And what surprise was that?" Rapunzel asked.
"He showed me how to ride his sleigh!" Anna blurted out before North could say anything.
Rapunzel's eyes widened, "Were you-"
"Yes, she was safe." North said, finishing her sentence, "You worry too much." he laughed, patting her shoulder.
"Well I just want to make sure. Ever since the incident..." Rapunzel mumbled, leaving her sentence unfinished, and looking very solemn.
Anna was gazing out of the large window, completely oblivious to what her mom was saying.
"Dad's back!" Anna exclaimed gleefully. She then opened the window, and Jack came flying into the castle out of breath.
"Jack! Where were you?" Rapunzel said, rushing up to him and pecking him on the cheek.
Jack collapsed in the large chair near the fire, "Ice monsters." Jack breathed, "And nightmares. It seems like Pitch is getting stronger." Rapunzel handed him a glass of water, which he started drinking.
"Does that mean Elsa Black is getting stronger too?" Anna asked causally, braiding her hair into two braids.
Jack spit out a mouthful of water, and stared at Anna in shock, "What?!" he cried.
Anna looked back and forth between her mother and father (who were both staring at her in shock) confused, "You know, Elsa Black. Hans told me she's either Pitch's accomplice, daughter, or both." she elaborated. Hans was Anna's boyfriend.
Jack scowled, "I don't trust that Hans." he said, "For all you know, he could be leading you into some trap!"
"I think Hans is very sweet and kind-hearted." Rapunzel said.
"All the more reason that it's a trap." Jack contradicted, "He could be just acting so Anna will lay her guard down, and then he can attack!"
"Why would he try to hurt Anna? He as absolutely no reason to do so!" Rapunzel exclaimed.
"Is Hans coming by the way?" Anna said, interrupting her parent's quarrel.
"I'm sorry dear," Rapunzel replied sadly, "But Hans can't make it. He has some kind of emergency in Arendelle."
"Oh well," Anna sighed, "It doesn't really matter."
"Well if that's settled then, who's up for some *krumkakes?" North said in a cheery voice.

Many hours later, Anna opened her bedroom door exhausted. Moonlight was pouring in through the window. She had had a very fun day, and was ready to collapse on her bed. As she approached her bed she noticed a thin medium sized package, wrapped in brown paper lying on her untidy bed. There was a note on top of the package ; it read:

I'll explain in the morning.

The handwriting looked like her mother's. Curiously, Anna gingerly unwrapped the package to find a portrait. It showed her mother and father holding two baby girls. Her mother was holding a girl with orange hair, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. Anna grinned as she realized it was her. Her father Jack was holding the other girl, who Anna didn't recognize. She had platinum white hair, and ice blue eyes. Her skin was slightly pale. She looked a lot like Jack and her eyes were the same as Anna's. And her hair color was the same as the white streak in Anna's hair. "Who is she?" Anna thought, still staring at the girl. She then started remembering all the things Hans had told her about Elsa Black.
"She has white hair, pale skin and ice blue eyes." Hans had told her late in the evening, "Her heart is stone cold, and she has ice and snow powers. She's the one that creates those ice monsters and makes the harshest blizzards."
Anna stared at the painting in shock as realization hit her, "Elsa?!"

A/N: I am so sorry that I haven't updated in while!! :( Sorry that it's not much, and I may not have portrayed the characters right. It will get more exciting in later chapters! I hope you still like this!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes!
Thanks for reading! :D

*Krumkake - a thin waffle-like cookie shaped like an ice-cream cone and stuffed with sweet fillings
It's Anna's favorite dessert.

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own any of these characters, places, or objects mentioned in this story!
I only own the storyline!
The rest belong to 'Disney' and 'Dreamworks'!

A Frozen FamilyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora