Chapter One - The New Students

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(warnig, cursing in this chapter)

I felt the sun peak though my window and jumped up shutting the window.

I ran a hand though my tangled locks before walking in the bathroom.

Taking a shower, brushing my hair out and teeth.

Getting dressed in the normal outfit, a red frilly top thst exposed my stomach, a black choker collar, a black skirt with black knee socks and red flats.
I placed the red locks on my shoulders as the black locks with red tips waved at my hips.

I herd the door burst open as I stood at a bookshelf, picking out a book for the day.

"Good morning~" Rose chipped and skipped in my room.

Her fuisha fur looked well combed, her quills waved as normal as the big quill covers her eye.
A silver bow on her head as her pale green eyes sparked with mischief as normal.
Her dress was the same black collared dress that ran though the middle to her waist, then a line at the end. The rest was a crimson red with grey leggings a and red flats.

"Who died?" I asked as I pulled down a book I haven't read yet.

"That jerk Rosy, I drowned her when she was stalking Scourge." She smiled.

"That must have been nice." I nodded as she rambled on about it, sitting on my bed.
I rubbed some sunscreen on my skin that was visible to the sun and grabbed my umbrella.

"Oh, your collar is messed up." Rose said and walked behind me, strighting the collar.

"Oh, the students from Green Hill High thst shut down should be coming to our school today." Rose said.

"Oh fantastic." I groaned.

I hate mortals, the more there are the harder it is not to judge them.

"Yea, my goodie goodie half is coming or now my sister as we fake it." Rose rolled her eyes.

"Wait, doesn't thst mean that blasted hedgehog is coming?" I asked.

"Yep, ready for school?" Rose asked putting on her shoulder bag.

I picked up my books and nodded.

I put the umbrella over the two of us as we walked to school.

Rose pulled out her, M Phone I think she called it, and pulled out some earbuds. She popped one in my ear and put one in hers as she played some music, twirling to it abit.

We saw the bus loading on some kids and Rose grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bus, I let my umbrella down as she dragged me on it, showing our school id.

She pulled me down on a seat.
"Rose-" She cut me off
"Calm down, it is better than walking." She smiled.
I leaned back in the seat and started to read my book.

Soon we arrived at school and as Soon as I got put, pop came the umbrella.

Rose linked her arm with mine as we walked under it.

Soon her nose twitched and looked disgusted.

"Let's go the other way today." Rose said in a disgusted voice.

"What is wrong?" I asked and glanced over in that direction.

"Jackass and jerks alert." She said and was about to pull me away as I got my wrist free.

"Calm down Rose, I will not run from some simple mortals, you should be ashamed." I scolded her.

She sighed and linked her arm with mine.

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