Chapter 17 pink bras

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"That's true, although it makes me seem like a weirdo....go with the pink, the other looks really kinky and if it's only me seeing you in that then please don't be going with any kinky underwear thank you!" He laughed

"Okay, but I am buying more than one lou so you aren't done yet!"

"Will this never end?!" He fake cried "why don't you bring Lukey boy with you?" He smirked

"Louis!" I scolded him "at this rate he will never be seeing them" I sighed but tried not to sound too disappointed

"I'd like to be able to comfort you as a friend and say how much he is probably dying to get into those knickers of yours, but it's you so that's awkward...." He trailed off

"Oh shush louis, I highly doubt it"

"Really Ella? His eyes look like they're going to pop out when you're arse is facing him, plus he's a teenage boy and not to sound weird or anything Ella but you're bloody gorgeous and have a figure that if I was a girl I would kill for, of course he wants some of this" he laughs shimmying pointing to me and I just hide my face embarrassed, this boy will be the death of me

After I try on some underwear I pay for it al leave before louis can embarrass me any more, we decide to go to Starbucks for a coffee before we head back

"Hi can I help you" the girl asked looking at louis, I looked at her properly and I couldn't put my finger on it but I definitely knew that face, I looked to her shirt to find a name badge and nearly screamed when I read the name 'Lucy'

Lucy was my childhood bully, she was my 'best friend' or so she used to say, I'd only play along because she would bully me less when I agreed with her every move, people used to think I was stupid and still to this day do for hanging around with her because she never had many friends but people didn't know why really, all but me. She used to come to my house and take my favourite games and toys home with her and she would make me do stupid things like throw rocks at the nerdy girl just because she didn't like her, I'd never have much for my dinner because Lucy used to eat most of my lunch as well as her own, but I never told anyone because if I ever tried to or disagreed with her she would more physically bully me

And no this isn't a sob story and no I'm not suicidal because of it, I put up with her bullying for years but when we stared different high schools I took her out of my life completely and become a changed person for it, like I said she never made me suicidal or self harm because I always knew I was better than her and if I did that it would be like her winning, So I never had any self inflicted scars from her bullying but she had given me some through the years but because of this I became the happiest person ever, and I'd never seen her since the bullying, until today.

"Lou can you order for me, I ermm need the bathroom, make it a to-go" I quickly ran off just so I wouldn't be near her, I watched through the glass door to see when louis had his order and I walked out

"I'm so sorry lou, can we go like now?" I was breathing heavily

"Yeah sure el, what's up!" He looked panicked

"I'll tell you in the car can we just go now!!" I shouted, I didn't mean to I just needed to get out and louis understood that and took me to the car

"Now tell me what happened back their" he said while starting the car

"Remember Lucy?" I tried to hold back my tears

"That one who bullied you?" I nodded

"It was her, I just couldn't deal with it, all the memories and the endless nights crying I just couldn't let her realise it was me I just-"

"She come here love you're fine with me" he hugged me as I cried and drove me to the hotel

When we got back the 5sos boys were here, oh great I look a mess and more people can witness this

"Hey el- what's up?" Luke looked concerned and I just replied by wrapping my arms around him tightly which he returned

After I explained what happened he hugged me until I stopped crying and we started watching a film in my room

"Ella your shopping bags are behind your door!" Louis shouted so I quickly ran to the door with Luke following to grab my bags

Together we carried them all, yeah there's a lot, and out them at the end of my bed and stood them up

"Hey Luke I-" I tripped over the bags

I burst out laughing and Luke came to help me back up " are you okay?" He panicked

"Yeah. I. The. Bags. I. Oh my god." I said in between laughs

He helped me up and picked up the bag which I'd fallen over

No prise for guesting which bag out of them all I had managed to knock over and tip everything out of, of course it was the Victoria secret bag

"Oh my god" I gushed as I tried to pick up the underwear before he could see, my face clearly bight red

"Ermm, you missed pink, it suits you" he tried to hold in his laughter as he held up a baby pink laced bra, which did look like a 'sexy' kind of bra

I grabbed it off him and put it in the bag quickly

"Wow Ella, I didn't think you would wear something like that, you must show me sometime" he winked and I groaned in embarrassment

"Don't be embarrassed, I bet you look sexy in pink" he winked as he lifted my chin up and pulled me over him as we kissed, a little more passionately than usual

"Ella do- oh my Jesus this is why we should knock they're practically having sex over here!" Louis screamed and niall just looked disturbed behind him

"ELLA YOU BETTER NOT BE!" Liam shouted

"Really li? You believe this idiot?"

"Woah hurtful!" Louis sassed "this idiot was going to ask if you wanted anything to eat but never mind you my friend can starve!"

"Noooooo phooey, I wuffs youuuuuu! I dived onto him hugging him

"Ew, get it off me, god only knows where she's been!"

"Woah rude!" Me and Luke chorused before bursting out laughing

"Well pasta is on, harry is cooking away be down in a minute you filthy animals" he winked before flaunting out of the room, how very louis of him

"Where were we?" Luke wiggled his eyebrows jokingly

"You're such an idiot" I kissed him lightly "come on food will be cold and the chef will kill you" I laughed as we walked downstairs for dinner

AN- okay it's major late but I did warn you that until you vote it'll be veryyyyy slow update so blame yourself so yeah byeeee

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