Emily's pov:

I was in my bedroom, staring at my bracelet from Uncle Cameron and Aunt Megan. I missed when we were just one big happy family. Don't get my wrong. I love my current family, but I so badly wish for the days when my mum and dad would drop me off at Uncle Cam's and Aunt Megan's. We used to have the best times together. They always played whatever ridiculous game I came up with. They loved having me over, and I loved being over. It felt like I had two houses. One with my parents, and one with my aunt and uncle. I love Saige, and I love Isy, but sometimes I wish for before Isy was born. That was before our family fell apart. I know it's not Isy's fault at all. It just seems like those were my happiest times. When Isy was born, I was so excited. I miss the old times, back when everything seemed great, and everyday for was an adventure to me. Why did Aunt Megan and Uncle Cam have to mess it up? I don't blame my aunt nearly as much as I blame my uncle. Aunt Megan at least tried to fix their marriage; Uncle Cameron gave up. Maybe if he hadn't given up, we'd still be a happy family. Maybe I'd still be a good kid. Maybe I wouldn't be so terrible towards my mother. I don't know why I took out my pain on my mum, but I did and I do.

My phone rang, causing me to jump a bit. I looked at my screen to see who was calling. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi Em," the male voice said kindly and hopefully.

"Uh who is this?"

"It's Uncle Cameron," Cameron said. I haven't spoken to him in five years. I wasn't whether to be angry or excited. I felt abandoned by him.

"So how are you?" Cameron asked.

"I'm fine," I said plainly.

"I've missed you a lot. I love you. And I know we haven't spoken in years, but maybe we could hang out sometime," Cameron suggested. Anger pulsed through my veins.

"Seriously? Isy has practically begged for your love for years, and you've been terrible to her. Go spend time with her, not me," I spat.

"Em, look. I-" I hung up before he could finish. Tears welled up in my eyes. Why can't I be a happy kid? I'm just angry and always mad at the world. Why did Uncle Cameron leave me and not talk to me for years? Why did he choose now to talk to me?

"Hey Em. Could you do the dishes please?" My mum asked entering my room.

"Why don't you knock?!" I yelled.

"Em, please. I have a headache and," my mum continued.

"Leave me alone! Make Saige do the dishes! You always tell me to!" I screamed. My mum gave me a hurt before closing my door. There I go again, taking my pain out on my own mother.

Isy's pov:

*Sunday night*

When my mum came and picked me up, I hurried to the car. I couldn't wait to leave.

"I'm never going back there, right Mum?" I asked hopefully.

"I hope so, sweetie," my mum smiled weakly at me.

When we got home, I went upstairs and changed into pajamas. I had showered at Cameron's house. I went downstairs and found my mum and Tyler fixing ice cream sundaes. We all sat down on the couch, eating ice cream. We didn't watch tv. We just talked and laughed. It was a nice stress reliever for all of us.

"I love you, Mum and Dad. I hope I never have to go back to Cameron's," I said.

"I love you, Isy," Tyler said, hugging me.

"I love you, honey. And if I lose the case, it'll be okay. We'll still make the most of it. Everything will be just fine no matter what happens," my mum promised. I nodded.

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