×Pretending× ch

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"Calum, you need a girlfriend." Ashton mumbled as I continued to flip through my math textbook. I sighed as Michael purposely munched on his chips obnoxiously.

"Yeah man, you're such a bookworm. I can hit you up with some digits of pretty women." Luke smirked and I continued to scan my textbook pushing my glasses up my nose. Ashton slammed my book shut. I rolled my eyes and began scanning the notes I took in class instead.

"Bro, are you even listening?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p'.

"Ok what about Tammy Walsh?" Ashton grinned. I snorted.

"Gross no. She's all over that one guy...I forgot his name."

"What about...Amy Dunlop?"


"Addison Wild?"


"I know!" Luke grinned, "what about that crush of yours from 5th grade?"

"She's still way out of my limit." I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself.

"Ariana Grande?" I glanced up and smirked at Michael.

"Hell yes."

Ashton sighed, "Come on Cal."

"Look I'm just not the dating type. And plus I'm not gonna CHOOSE a girl. It's just gonna simply happen. But then again it's cause-"

"Cause you're so pathetic." Luke snapped rolling his eyes while he finished his second sandwich. Lunch was almost over and I hadn't eaten anything but I didn't care anymore.

"Whatever guys. I have a geometry test tomorrow so I'm gonna go."



"Thanks guys." I rolled my eyes once again and made my way to my locker. It's been only half a day, but I feel like there was still so much more to go of today. I couldn't wait for the day to be over.


Finally. The day was over. I was ready to go home.

"Geometry test tomorrow!" Mr. Hemingway announced for the fifth time this period. I groaned along with the class. I know I was going to flunk this test. The semester test was in a few weeks and even though I didn't care about my grades that much, I was stressing out. I didn't want to be the only kid failing this class. It sucked cause I was blonde too. Pretty sure I'd not only be labeled as a slut, but a dumb blonde too. I should've entered freshman year as a brunette.

"Hey girl! Heard you banged like 3 guys this week."

"Bullshit," I rolled my eyes, "only 2. But I really want that boy..he seems new." I nodded over to the blonde boy who had a quiff. He had a lipring and was placing a beanie on his head.

"He's so fricken hot." Renne agreed with me. I smirked and walked over.

"Hi Luke." I leaned against the locker. His eyes brightened once he saw me making me think of him as sexy, to an adorable little boy instead.

"Hi Micki! What's good?" He closed his locker shut.

"Well there's this party I'm attending Friday night wanna come?"

"Nah I don't party." That took me by surprise. That kid was a sex god. Why weren't girls all over him? Why is he not a cocky sexy blonde as I thought? "I don't like attention." he squirmed as he noticed me peering down his body. "which...is why I don't party...if you know what I mean."

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