Chapter 15: Training

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Chapter 15: Training

“You’re weak.”

“Excuse me?”

“You are weak,” Nick repeated slowly, while scrutinising me with one eye.

I was currently stood in a vast, otherwise empty hall, somewhere deep in the bowels of the Helicarrier. The walls were a bleak grey colour, and the matching flooring had suspicious dark patches splashed across it. Dull yellow light shone down from the high ceiling, half-heartedly attempting to lighten the room. There were no windows; no means of escaped. The door that I’d originally come through had sealed itself completely, disguising itself as part of the wall.

Nick seemed unconcerned by the lack of exits; in fact, he seemed at ease.

“Why are you singling me out from the others?” I asked, feeling defensive.

“I’m not singling you out,” he replied coolly.

I gestured to the empty room sarcastically, eyebrows raised. “Really?”

“The rest of the team will be put through an extensive training programme as well.”

“Training programme?”

He half-smiled. “Yes. It’s the only option. You’ve been out of action for a couple of years, and so naturally haven’t had a smooth transition back into the fight. It’s understandable, really, why you seem weak.”

“I’m not weak, Nick.”

“No?” He smiled patronisingly. “I have to disagree with you there. The Eldrid I knew could take out a couple of Frost Giants and a mutant without a problem. But you fought against just two Giants, and ended up with a broken arm. I thought Asgardians were Gods – and am I right in thinking that Gods don’t break easily?”

I scowled, glaring at the floor. He was right. I hated it when Nick was right.

“I am a bit ... out of practice,” I conceded, and he nodded wisely.

“Exactly – that’s why I’m putting you through this training programme. Every day, you’ll come here, and go through the exercises.”

“What type of exercises?” I asked suspiciously, looking around for some hint of training equipment, and feeling confused when I found none.

I wasn’t really expecting Nick to drag over a yoga mat and start teaching me Pilates, so there must be something that he wasn’t telling me.

Nick smiled enigmatically.

“Oh, you’ll see. I’ll leave you to it – but Hill and I will be reviewing your progress today.”

He briskly walked towards where the door had originally been. There was a pause, and a small beep, before the walls slid to the side and revealed the corridor. Nick glanced back at me before he stepped outside.

“Oh, and Eldrid? Don’t die. I’ve just had the floor cleaned.”

The wall slid smoothly back into place, leaving me alone in an empty hall. There was an uncomfortable silence.

I walked forward a few paces until I reached the dead centre of the room, feeling uneasy. By Nick’s instruction, I’d reluctantly arrived here dressed in my crimson, light Asgardian armour. It had been strange at first, needing it again, but that feeling of discomfort had quickly been replaced by a sense of completeness. I was a small step away from being, and feeling like, myself again. My next step was using my magic.

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, starting to feel slightly impatient now. After five minutes of uneventful silence, I spotted a small camera nestled in the top left corner of the room, and I waved at it.

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