finishing the wave and unexpected meetings

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When naruto woke up he was in a partialy destroyed forest. He decided to walk back to tazuas house. When he opened the door he saw them all sitting them for breakfast.

"Naruto-baka you made a kid cry last night," sakura yelled. Naruto just ignored her and went upstairs. He put away his extra gear and came back down.

"Ok me and naruto kiba and hinata will go to the bridge the rest of you will stay here," said kakashi.

"Hai," they said and gathered up there stuff. And left for the bridge. When they got there only half the workers were there.

"Where is everyone?" Tazuna said.

"They left they don't want to die," the worker said.

"And how many would come back if gato was dead?" Naruto asked getting confused Looks frome everyone.

"All of them, but good luck he's always guarded," the man said.

"Can you describe gato?" Naruto asked, and with the help of tazuna they described him to to the t.

"Puppet style: judgment day," a clone of naruto appeared than he turned into gato. Naruto pulled out a kunia and slit its neck. Blood began to pour fro. The wound and he feel dead. To the disgust of everyone there.

"He's dead," naruto said.

"What did you do?" Kiba asked.

"What had to be down kiba nothing more," naruto said.

"How?" Asked tazuna.

"I have known for five years a man is going to find me and if he dislikes me, I will die," naruto said to the shock off the people there. "You learn to prepare."

"Well let's get to work kiba you go and find the workers, I will go find the body," kakashi said.

"Uza fort three miles north," naruto said. Then they left.

"So kid why'd you do it?" Tazuna asked.

"He deserved worse, what he's done I hate bastards like him." Naruto said.

"Bad past?" He asked. Naruto laughed.

"Try being called a demon," naruto said.

"Well kid I better get to work," tazuna said.

~time skip three weeks~

"Goodbye naruto," inari yelled.

"Well just doing what we get paid for," naruto said and him and his team left.

The way back was silent no one talked. Not even kiba, when they reached konaru they garuds laughed.

"First time out of the village, always the worst," the first one said.

"Ya well when you find out your student has a A rank criminal on his pay role its wired," kurani said.

"Well let's go in and cheek in with the hokage, your all dismisses minus naruto," kakashi said. The two teams left and naruto and the sensis went to the hokage.

"May we come in?" Kakashi asked.

"Come in," sabutori said. "Hello kakashi kurinai naruto, the mission was a success?"

"Yes lord third, but that's not why were here," kurinia said.

"Well you see," kakashi began.

"I used my death grab puppet," naruto said bordly.

"I see then your going to have to explain all of this now," sabutori said.

"Explain what," kurinai a asked.

Naruto The puppet MasterWhere stories live. Discover now