d rank and up

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"Fox here I have eyes on the target," naruto said.

"Over lord here go in," there sensi said. Then nothing was heard. "Fox are you there."

"I'm here," can a voices from behind her. She spun around to see naruto standing there with the cat pitched on a log next to him. Then she noticed chakara strings from him to th cat.

"OK let's head back," Kurinie said. Within minutes they were back at the hokage tower.

"Here's your cat lady dinamo," naruto said. She then began to squeeze the cat which she received unhappy meows. "Escues me ma'am, but I think I know why Torah keeps running away." To that every one in the room froze.

"Will you please tell me sir," she said. The hokage started to panick.

"I don't know much about cats but from the sounds he's making it sound alike how foxes sound when they are uncomfortable," naruto said.

"How do I know I can trust you," she asked. And kurnie was staring to get scared. Naruto lifted his hands up to his mouth and blew a whistle, then a red fox jumped through the window.

"This is kurama when I first meet him he did the same thing," naruto said.

"Then thank you boy, lord hokage I will send a bonus for this boy," she said before leaving.

Team 7 walked in just then.

"Jiji can we get a actual mission, not this stupid chores," naruto said.

"Naruto you can't do that you just became a ninja those missions are for chunin and higher," iruka said.

"It is ok iruka, there are two teams here that should be enough for a simple c rank," sabutori said looking a team 7.

"Yes I'm going to get a c rank," kiba yelled

"Send in the client," the third said. Then a man with a bottle walked in.

"You expect me to be protected by these twerps," he said.

"We will also be there," kakshi said. "Meet at the front gate in a hour, your dismissed." With that all six gunins ran home. After a few minutes naruto got to his estate and went to the armory. Theres a work bench with a large man/puppet sitting on it. He seeled the puppet into a scroll. Then he put his kunian pouch away and seeled kunian, shurikin, three pronged kunain, and hunredes of puppert bugs, into his seel on his arm. Then he grabbed kumara and set kumara on his head and took of running grabbing his bag on the way out.

When he got to the gate he saw kurine dragging kakashi while being followed by the brige builder. Then he looked over and saw all the gunins standing there.

"Naruto-baka your late," sakura yelled.

"Sorry sakura my house is on the other side of the village," naruto said.

"Ok were heading out know," kurnia said. With that they left. Kurnia and kakashi in the back, sakura and hinata in front, saskue and kiba off to the left, and naruto and shino on the right.

After awhile of walking they saw a puddle, ethier they didn't notice or acted like they didn't. When naruto walked over the puddle he dropped a paper with a seel on it then after a few seconds sparks rippled out of the puddle. It scared everyone but naruto, when the guinjutsu was realesed it showed the deamon brothers laying there unconsius.

"That's what they get for messing with a seel master," naruto said with a smirk on his face.

"You did that naruto?" Kakashi asked.

"Naruto-baka stop trying to impress me saskue did that," sakura yelled.

"Actually sakura those are naruto's I was there when he made them," shino said.

Naruto The puppet MasterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz