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Jimin pov



I open the door to Bapoon and look around the room. It's one of their slow nights. Only one other table has people sitting at it as I zero in on my friends sitting at a longer table. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook sit on one side. While Taehyung, Minjae and Yoongi sit on the next. 

Jin spots me and waves me over. "I was wondering when you would get here." He says as he gets up to give me a hug.

"I had to drop my stuff off." I explain, but I don't tell him that I tiptoed around the house avoiding Mr.Il and slipped back out. I sit next to Yoongi who is sitting on the end and accidentally brush his arm.

"This is cool meeting all of Taehyung and Jimin's friends." Minjae says, but Taehyung pouts.

"I wanted it to be just us." He whines as he folds his arms, but Minjae winks at him.

"Don't worry. I have something planned for afterwards." He informs and Taehyung visibly turns three shades of red. 

"O-oh really?" Minjae nods his head and that shuts Taehyung up. 

Jungkook grins as he looks at them. "This is so cute. All these new relationships are giving me goosebumps. So who's next to get together?" He eyes the table until they land on me. "Yoongi and Jimin would look so cute together."

I bite my lips nervously as Yoongi smirks next to me. That's when I narrow my eyes at him. "What was that?"

"...what?" He asks innocently and I glare at him.

"Why did you smirk?" I question and Yoongi just chuckles.

"You know why." His words make me choke up and I turn away. Jin gives me a 'what the heck is going on between you two' look and I just give him a simple I don't know.

The conversation shifts to another random topic as the food comes out and everyone's mouth waters at the sight. Different dishes are laid on the table and everyone thanks the waiter after everything is set.

"I think I'm in heaven." Jungkook whispers as he readies his chopsticks.

"You know what I've been meaning to ask?" Everyone looks at Taehyung. "I've been going to this restaurant for years and I've never seen Hoseok working. What do you do here?"

Hoseok swallows the food in his mouth and wipes his face with the back of hand. "I just clean the dishes in the back. It works for me. I don't have to talk to people or worry about burning the food."

Everyone nods their heads in understanding. "That sucks. I think you would look good as a waiter." Jungkook mumbles and all our heads snap to his. He quickly stuffs some food into his mouth and points to his mouth full of food. "Wha-I havefoodinmymouth."

Hoseok plays with his fingers as he tries not to look at Jungkook. Maybe they'll be the next couple. 

Namjoon interjects, "Anyways." 


"This was really fun." Jin says as everyone slides out the booth. 

"Yeah, we should do this again some time." Taehyung adds as he holds Minjae's hand.

Yoongi seems to be holding back a smile, but it's easy to tell that he enjoyed himself. 

Everyone seems to be so happy...

Suddenly, it's like I'm a million miles away as I watch everyone chatting. They are so full of life and then there's me.

Me; who's broken.

Me; who's trying so hard to erase everything.

Me; who was raped.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom before we leave." I mumble before walking passed everyone. I quickly shut myself inside the bathroom and lock the door before leaning against the door.

My breathing is coming in rapidly as my lungs refuse to take in air. It's like trying to breath through a clogged nose as I hold my chest. Then, the tears begin to fall onto the tiles as I hug myself. Stop crying, idiot. You have to pull yourself together before-

"Chim Chim?" Jin's voice can be heard from the other side of the door and I quickly bite down on my sobs.


He tries the door nob. "Will you open the door?" I run to the sink and turn on the facet before splashing my face with water.

"No." I answer when I realize my tears won't stop. I can't let him see me like this. Everything is going so well for him and this will just ruin it.

"Jimin, you're worrying me." I can hear other voices behind the door and I know everyone's there. "Jimin what's wrong? Maybe we can help you out."

Oh please no. "Jin, just give me a minute." I say frantically as I try to dry my eyes. When I think I look somewhat decent, I slowly open the door to reveal seven faces who look anxious as hell. "I'm fine, see." I smile weakly and none of them buy it. "L-let's just go."

I try to walk past Jin, but he grabs my hand and gives me a stern look. "No, not until you tell me what's wrong?"

I bite the inside of my cheek as I stumble on the words to talk myself out of this. "Nothing's wrong."

"Jimin!" I flinch back, making Jin frown. "Is something wrong with Flowers of Hope?"

I feel my heart leap into my throat. "N-no."

"Tell him already." Minjae chimes in and Jin gives him a confused look before slowly turning back to me. He grabs my hands.

"Tell me what?" I can see tears welling in his eyes and my stomach feels like it has bricks in it.

"Jin, please. I can't." I whisper. Now, everyone is holding their breath as they wait for the truth.

"Why can't you? I won't leave this alone until you tell me." When he sees that I'm not budging he questions Minjae. "What is he keeping from me?" 

"Sorry, I can't keep this hidden anymore." He sighs. "The man who's in charge of Flowers of Hope has been raping Jimin." 

I feel the floor get pulled from under me as I fall onto my knees. I hear everyone gasp as they try to process everything.

What I don't expect is what Jin says next. "Oh God, it's all my fault." I look up at him.

"No it's not." But it's like everything goes in one ear and out the next as he backs away from everyone.

"Jin, it's not your fault." Namjoon comforts trying to hold Jin in his arms, but he pushes him away.

"Don't touch me!" He yells. "Yes it is." A swarm of tears fill his eyes as he stares at me with eyes full of...guilt.

I dry my tears. "W-why is it your fault?" 

A/N Cliffhanger! I love those. Do you? Hahaha! Hope you made it through this chapter without dying. Comment all of your feelings and reactions. Don't forget to vote my lovely Burritos. Until next time, Deuces!

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