Wandering Down Corridors

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Jimin pov

I could hear the faint sounds of Jin talking through the door, but I try my hardest not to listen in. I know he would appreciate that. Instead, I let my eyes wander around the hallway to the lights at the end of the hallway. 

If I concentrate hard enough, I could hear the noise of the festival a few hallways away. If I wasn't currently clutching my side and sporting a bruised lip I would have gone to see these festivities. However, one thing does catch my attention...


I almost miss it as he turns the corner into the next hallway.

What is he doing here?

My curiosity gets the best of me as I push myself off the door and slowly jog to catch up to him. I know Jin will be mad that I'm going to expose myself, but I can't let this opportunity get away from me. When I see his figure at the end of the hall I slow down as he steps into our school music room.

I lean against the wall as I wait for something to happen. Any sudden movement or sound that could give away what he's doing. I'm shocked when the sound of the grand piano resounds around the room. A soft melody begins to play almost like a lullaby and I close my eyes to soak in the comforting keys. 

Then silence. 

I wait a moment for it to continue, but nothing happens. I peek through the window and see Yoongi hunched over the piano keys. Deciding to abandon my hiding behind a door strategy, I enter the room. I walk to the side of Yoongi and see that he's asleep. 

I watch as his shoulders rise and fall and the soft hums leaving his lips. I don't even notice that I've taken a seat next to him until his eyes snap open again and he's rubbing his eyes. I clear my throat, making his gaze move to me. 

He glares when he sees me. "Why are you here? I thought I told you to leave me alone."That stings, but my actual bruises hurt more so I shrug it off. As if Yoongi just realized my appearance he leans in closer. "What the hell happened to you? You look like death."

I chuckle at his remark and answer with, "Oh I got caught in a stampede of the rush of people heading toward the pizza." Yoongi doesn't find that funny as he examines all of my face and the foot prints on my jacket carefully.

"These are all from the same shoe. Who did this?" Well, damn. I didn't think it would be that obvious.

I scratch the back of my head and scoot a little further off the seat. "I'll leave that to your imagination, but seriously you can really play the piano."

Now, it's Yoongi's turn to awkwardly move away. "Yeah, I guess...it would be better if I could get through a song."

"Well, why can't you?" I ask stupidly.

Yoongi exhales deeply and runs his fingertips over the piano keys. "I get too excited and end up falling asleep whenever I play. I try really hard to keep my emotions in check, but it doesn't work." 

I frown at that. It's actually really sad to hear this. "That's terrible. Is that why you keep your face so blank all day?" Yoongi only nods his head, but I can see the pain behind it.

"No use crying over it. I just have to take what I got and live with it." He mumbles.

I shake my head and say, "No, you can't live like that."

Yoongi seems to doze off a little and his head rocks backwards. Oh no, is he having another episode? Instead of fully completely asleep again, he blinks and refocuses his attention. "Sorry, I do that sometimes...that's why that pencil fell out my hand earlier."

I nod my head in understanding and watch as Yoongi stands up. "Where are you going?" 

"Back to the festivities. My parents thought it would be good for me...do you want to come?" He offers and I almost choke on my spit.

"Y-You want me to come?" 

"Do you want to stay here?" He questions. I glance around the room one last time before standing up. 

"No, lead the way." He moves towards the door and I slowly follow behind him. He notices my slow pace and back tracks to walk beside me.

"Sorry, I forgot." I shake my head.

"It's fine." We walk in a comfortable silence towards the festivities, but when we pass the giant windows that show the courtyard I unexpectedly see Hoseok sitting under one of the trees in the distance. He's wearing only his school uniform and when I take a closer look, it's obvious that he is tied to the tree. 

"Hey, um can we-"

"Yeah." Yoongi and I jog outside and towards Hoseok. When we finally reach him, he is a shivering mess and has snot dripping down his nose. "Hold on we're going to untie you." I run around to the back of the tree and look for the beginning of the knot, but it's hard to see in the dark. "Yoongi, can you shine your phone light over here if you have one?"

"One second." He says as he walks over to me and points his phone screen towards the rope. Those guys made sure to tie it extra tight as I struggle to loosen it's hold around Hoseok.

"Just leave me." He whispers. "You already did the other time." His words cut through me, but I continue to pull at the knot.

"No, not this time." I answer and sigh with relieve when the knot comes undone. Hoseok tips over as soon as the rope falls and lands on the dirt bellow him. I run to his side and see that he's breathing hard and his face is scrunched up. "Hoseok?"

No reply. "Yoongi?" I look behind the tree where I left Yoongi and freak out when I see that he's also passed out with his phone next to his hands. Okay, it's okay he'll wake up in a few seconds like all the other times then I can carry Hoseok to the infirmary. I lift Hoseok onto my back and push back my curses as his body presses against me painfully.

A minute passes then another and Yoongi still isn't awake. Now, I'm worried. I can't leave Yoongi here and take Hoseok to the infirmary and I can't wait any longer for yoongi to wake up. I wish Jin were here then he could help carry Yoongi.

"Jin!" I call out, hoping that he'll somehow hear me. "Jin! Help!" I stare between the door and Yoongi on the ground. Will I have to leave him here? As if on cue Jin comes running through the door in a hurry.

It's like he has this brotherly sixth sense. Not that I'm complaining because that was not the ideal situation. "Thank goodness, you're here. Help me carry Yoongi."

A/N Yay another chapter update. I don't know why, but these last few chapters seem boring to me. You know what that means. I need to spice it up a little, See you in the next chapter my Burritos. Deuces!

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