Caught Red Handed

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Jin pov

Namjoon walks inside and places the pizza boxes on the table. My eyes are fixed on the pizza like prey as my stomach rumbles. I haven't eaten since five this morning and it's beginning to catch up with me.

Namjoon, being the perceptive person he is, notices the drool running down my face and opens up a box to hand me a slice. I shake my hands in front of my face and reject the offer.

"No, those are for your guest." He frowns and forces one into my hands and then gives one to Jimin who gladly eats it. I do the opposite and place the pizza back on top of the box.

"You guys are a mess. Who beat you guys up?" He inquires while staring at my jaw.

"No one." I say weakly. Namjoon however isn't having it. His face turns serious as he looks me directly in the eyes. 

"You mean to tell me your jaw just decided to turn purple today and Jimin cut his own lip and somehow managed to stomp on himself for the fun of it?" The way he puts it makes me cringe and want to walk out of the room. how could I forget they were holding that winter festival today?

"Come on, I'm not stupid. Just tell me who did this to you two. If they go here, I can just get them suspended." Those words make a panic rise in me. If he found out that our foster parents beat us, he would report it and we would immediately get sent to a group home.

"I don't need to tell you anything. You're not my family, my boyfriend, or my friend. So stop caring." I answer more harshly than I wanted, but this is for the best, but I instantly regret it when I see Namjoon's eye flash with disappointment.

He exhales and closes his eyes. "There is obviously some reason you're trying to distance yourself from me, but I'm not going to stop caring." He attempts to take my injured hand in his and I pull it back to far and end up whacking it against the table behind me.

"Really?!" I curse as I hold my wrist. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were hurt there." He says, apologetically. I glare at him and shift my gaze to Jimin. 

"Can you leave us alone for a second?" Jimin gives me a confused look before exciting the room. When the door closes, I sigh. I can't believe I'm going to do this. I hate begging and I will not let Jimin witness this very low moment. "Namjoon, I really need you to drop this issue." 

"If you tell me why I might." He replies quickly making me roll my eyes.

"I can't do that. Please, you would be helping us a lot more if you just forgot you ever saw us here." I give him my best pitiful face and hope that it has an effect on him. To my dismay Namjoon shakes his head. 

"What's stopping you? If it's someone from school I can just-"

"please, just stop." I whisper. " Namjoon, I don't want you to get involved." It feels like bricks are in my stomach as I continue to try to get Namjoon off our case, but he won't budge. Namjoon does the unexpected and wraps his arms around me gently and presses my head into the crook of his neck. "N-Namjoon?"

"I know you don't consider us as anything, but it really hurts to see the person you like in so much pain. That's why I won't drop this. You mean a lot to me and I can't just drop this. I refuse too, but- I'll stop asking for now, but I want you to tell me when you're ready, okay?"

His words make my stomach feel light and my cheeks turn a deep red hue from his confession. Even my armpits sweat and I feel all sticky. "T-thank you." I stutter. I guess Jimin was right when  he said I wasn't used to this type of affection.

I cover my face from Namjoon when he pulls away to stop him from seeing my blush. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"No- I just couldn't staring at your ugly face anymore." I cover , but Namjoon sees right through me. 

"Are you sure you're just not shy and falling for my charms?" I scoff and try to turn away, but he pulls me back towards him until my face is inches from him. "Why the rush? Don't think I forgot about making you fall for me." He smirks and presses his lips to mine softly before pulling away.

I can still feel how soft his lips were against mine and how gentle he was and how much I wish it wasn't cut off so fast. I bite my lip in order to suppress my desire to give into temptation and let myself be free. I take a step back and awkwardly scratch my head. "I'm going to tell Jimin to come back in." I inform while pointing towards the door.

"Go right ahead." Namjoon says with a knowing smile and I roll my eyes.

I open the door and stick my head out."Ji-" my eyebrows furrow when I'm met with an empty hallway. "Where'd he go?"

My back tenses when I feel Namjoons breath against my ear. "Here let me help you treat your injuries." I feel the hairs on my back tingle, but let him lead me back to the bed Jimin was sitting on previously. I stare at the tiles while Namjoon opens up a freezer and pulls out an ice pack. He's so close to me to the point where I'm staring at his shoe laces.

"Find something interesting on my shoes?"

"What no-" I'm interrupted when he places the cold ice pack on my jaw and I shrink back.

"Relax, this will reduce the swelling." He softly pulls me back to him with a warm smile. I find it hard to resist when he's being so nice. 

"Thanks." I say while all the blood in my body rushes to my face. Namjoon lets out a small laugh and places my hand on the ice pack. I give him a confused look.

"Hold that while I get something to wrap your wrist with." He walks to another cabinet on the other side of the room and rummages through all the items until he finds what he's looking for. Then, he jogs back to me and motions for me to hold out my injured hand.

When I do so, he wraps the cloth around my wrist a few times before tying it off. "There, as good as new." He flashes his dimples and I swear my heart stops. I may not want to be in a relationship with him, but those dimples have some effect on me. I stand up abruptly in an attempt to get away, but regret it instantly because now my eyes are locked on his.

I find myself sweating like a sinner in church while I balance the ice pack on my cheek. "I should go look for Jimin."

"Jimin knows we're here." He breathes as he looks at my lips then back at my eyes. "But, I guess I can't stop you."

I shake my head and he steps aside. "Thank you for understanding."

"When you find him...can you let me know before you leave." 

I want to tell him that I have nowhere to go so he shouldn't be worried, but I hold that back. Instead, I nod my head and walk out the nurses office and enter the hallway. 

Now, where could Jimin have wondered off too?

A/N Hey, everyone I know it's been a few days, but I've been busy. I just had prom this friday and I killed it, but I also had a lot of drama going on in my life that was really putting me in a foul mood. I recently was having trouble with my friends where I felt like I didn't belong and kept trying to change myself to fit in. I realized that if you have to do that stuff to feel accepted you shouldn't be with those people so I cut myself off. At first I felt like crap and that was around the time I was writing my first BTS story. It felt really good to read everyone's compliments on my story and reactions at that time. Also, for anyone else that is struggling to "fit in" and find their place in this messed up world please don't feel like you have to be anyone but yourself. It isn't worth it. It's better to be friendless and love yourself than conform to social norms and be the worst version of yourself. Well, I said my two cents on that. Hope everyone continues to read because you guys reading my story and writing comments are really what I look forward too. I seriously sound like a person with no life but that's not the point. Love yourself is all i'm trying to say. Until next time deuces my Burritos!

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