Class and practice

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Homeroom was mostly uneventful. The usual boys rough housing, and being obnoxious in general, trying to get the attention of various girls. Particularly Shimizu, who was ignoring them as usual. He rolled his eyes at them. Being assholes wasn't gonna make girls like them, and considering how unsuccessful the tactic had been, he was surprised they hadn't figured that out already.

At that moment, three girls approached his desk. He tried not to look annoyed, he didn't want to be rude, but he really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Why was he so cranky today? probably lack of boyfriend and sleep for the past three days.

"Hey! What's up Sugawara?" the tallest one asked, her voice peppy, clear, and ringing in his head like bells. He tried not to wince.

"Oh, not much." He replied, smiling as big as he could.

"Do you have any plans tonight? We were gonna have a party."

 "Um.." He tried to think of an answer besides "oh god no, but please don't make me go out". He didn't have anything planned but that was fine by him. He had never really been a big party animal. In fact, he honestly disliked them. They were to loud, and people got drunk and inappropriate. 

He finally figured out a halfassed solution.

"Sorry, I have practice, and then I was gonna study..." He tried to look disappointed. "Maybe some other time?"

She pouted.

"Oh come on Sugawara! Its the weekend. All you do is work and study and practice. You know you don't always have to be the," She mockingly deepened her voice "Mature responsible one!"

"I know, I'm sorry." He forced a chuckle at her voice and tried to look apologetic.

"Come on Koushi, live a little! your so boring..." She crossed her arms. Suga knew what she was doing. Any other boy would stand up in a huff, tell her she's wrong, and go just to prove that he wasn't boring. But Suga wasn't one for injured pride, so he just began to get steadily more irritated. She had put him on the spot, and a few people had stopped what they were doing to listen. He subconsciously sat a little further back in his chair, hoping it would make him less conspicuous.

He tried for another smile, his defenses wearing thin.

"I really appreciate you offering, but I cant. I'm sorry, really."  

Suga didn't know what would've happened next, she could've stopped and moved on, or pushed that little bit further and he would've snapped, and probably said something rude. But at that exact moment, Diachi rushed in, a bit breathless, probably having slept in and rushed over as fast as he could. Dai looked around the room kind of confused, his hair messy (not that Suga really noticed but his hair was really cute) and a little bit of toothpaste at the corner of his mouth. Finally after the tense silence Dai's friends began to laugh and Daichi joined in as one of them smacked him on the back. The attention of the room shifted, and he breathed a silent sigh of relief. Daichi, looked over and gave him a discreet, but warm smile. Suga returned it, his mood already improving.

The rest of homeroom, and most of his classes went quietly and normally, aside from a few more tests of his patience. But oddly enough, when someone tried to ask him about the answers for a test in science a certain someone "accidently" knocked over his books. And in history that same someone answered the question, despite the teacher specifically directing the question to Suga who had unfortunately been dosing off. And this went on through all of his classes, each incident accompanied by that same little smile. 

One of the girls from earlier even came back to apologize for her friends being pushy. Everything seemed to be going better, and he had even forgotten about his less than 5 hours of sleep. But of course, the day wasn't over, and it was far from getting easier.

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