Wake up, get ready.

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Suga opened his bleary brown eyes at about 5:30am. It was a bit chilly and his bed was warm, but he got up anyway. He began to look for the light switch, as it was still dark.  The house was quiet.

Until he tripped over a pile of the various books and papers he had been studying the night before. He fell face first onto the floor of his room, and cursed. For once he was glad he was up before his parents. They tended to be pretty strict about language, and had in fact, grounded him for it before.

He sat himself up, and began tidying. As he stood up he winced a bit. He looked down and realized his knee had bruised a bit. Why did his mornings have to start like this?

he brushed his teeth. Or started. There wasn't any toothpaste. He sighed and went downstairs to get breakfast, and stubbed his toe on the way. he flicked on the kitchen light, and began cleaning up. The kitchen was a mess. When he was done with that he got some cereal. He ate quietly, taking his time and enjoying the peace. This is  why he always gets up so damn early. There's no noise, no clamor, no drama. Just his thoughts, and his breakfast.

His mind wandered around. He chuckled to himself, thinking about how despite their early jobs, he was still up before his parents.

He thought about what he would do for the weekend. Probably make up some Bullshit reason not to stay home. He could sleepover at Daichi's...

Daichi. Suga smiled to himself.

They had been dating for more than a year now. Well, kind of. They hadn't really... told anyone. It wasn't like they were keeping it a secret, they just didn't want any drama, so they didn't say anything. Suga snuck cute notes into Daichi's lunch. The team made jokes about how they were like a mom and dad, and Daichi would laugh before looking over at Suga and winking. Suga would stay the night at Daichi's to "study."

It all worked out pretty well. He was always so tired though. Between school, the team, Daichi and cleaning up the daily mess that was his life, he didn't have much time for quiet.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He had taken it upon himself to be responsible for every problem that arose, and part of him was scared that at some point soon he was gonna snap. Get mad, hurt someone's feelings, or hurt his own. What with cleaning up everyone else's messes, he didn't have time to make his own.

He sighed again, this time chiding himself for sighing so much, and making a mental note to try not to do it again at practice.  

Suga finished his cereal, and washed his dish, before going back up to his room to get dressed. He just wanted to wear his favorite grey sweatshirt, but he put on his uniform, checking to make sure there wasn't a wrinkle in his shirt. He smiled into the mirror, looking neat enough that he could've fooled himself  into thinking he was put together.

He put on a jacket and stepped out into the slightly chilly morning air. His breath formed small, almost invisible plumes. He made sure to lock the door behind him, tucking the extra key into his bag. The walk was quiet, and the sky was just beginning to lighten. It turned a dark shade of bruise purple, and the street was illuminated by an almost eerie yellowish light, due to the glow of the town reflecting off of the quite cloudy sky.   

The walk was also long, so it would be mostly light by the time he got to school. Suga preffered the long way around, as it gave him more time to think. Again, his mind wandered to Daichi, He was worried about him. Daichi tended to forget about his own practical needs. For example, sleeping. Suga wouldn't be surprised if Daichi had gotten a total of 10 hours of sleep, all week. He studied and trained with no real regard to his own wellbeing. Suga wasn't sure why it was so hard for him to bring up or confront Dai about it, but it was.

Maybe he was shy? nervous? or maybe he just felt like a hypocrite. He wasn't exactly a poster boy for healthy emotional and physical choices himself.

speaking of unhealthy choices, Suga decided to grab some coffee. he stopped by a café on the way and ordered something sweet and caffeinated, making sure to be polite to the barista. It was hard, being up this early to work and having to deal with cranky customers. He smiled at her as he left, hoping he would have even a small good impact on her day.

He sipped the hot coffee, and began wondering how volleyball practice was gonna go.

Probably HInata and Kags would show up late, bickering. Tanaka would greet them with that weird ass leer, and then Tsuki would say some off hand remark that fired up Kags and Hinata. They would briefly shout at each other, and then Dai would sternly tell them to shut it, and practice.

He approached the school building. Only a few students were arriving, most didn't get there as early as it was now, even though the sky had already started to lighten into blue.

He stopped  outside, and sat on a bench by the gates, taking out his phone. He texted each of his friends, checking in, asking about that test they had, if they slept okay, etc. He had 25 new text messages, and not one of them asked about how his morning had gone. Or even his week for that matter. Which was actually fine with Suga. It would've been great and all if someone even just politely asked about him, but he honestly wouldn't know what to say. Probably an awkward "yeah, fine. what about you?" and Suga figured it was all around better for everyone if that was avoided.

He finished his coffee, and then headed to class. Despite his typical morning, he felt like today was gonna be nice, and he felt oddly hopeful and optimistic.

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